Injury setbacks

Well, to make a long (and painful) story short, I dislocated my knee a few hours ago playing basketball. I seem to be doing okay, went to the doctor and there is no bone damage. I see an orthopedic sometime next week to check for ligament damage. At this point I'm not too worried about it-hurt my knees before a few times and six weeksish seems to be a pretty average healing time for me-no complete tears in the past, thank goodness.

Anyway, I'm down about 20 lbs from where I started this summer. I've been eating a lot better, and using a bike to get some cardio in. Anybody have any ideas about how I can try and do some upper body cardio until my knee feels better? Or should I try some lifting? Or would I be better served to just keep my calorie count low until I can move my leg well again? I can handle not playing ball or cycling for a while, but I will absolutely go nuts if I have to lose this 20 lbs again.

Your suggestions are much appreciated!