post holiday advice and support please

Hi All!

I have just had most amazing 2 weeks of holls where I ate my fav foods and being a naughty 23 year old drank a lot lol i did do a lot of walking,made sure I did atleast 30 length in the pool and drank lots of water so on my arrival back I found out that I only put 5lb which I am hoping is mainly water weight...but I am just thinking does anyone know how long will it take roughly for it to come off if I go bk to my exercise and healthy eating?as I dont wanna get obsessed and weight myself every day.

thanks xx


  • noone?
  • tami101
    tami101 Posts: 617 Member
    If it's just water weight, you should be back to normal in a few days. =)
  • hpoddan
    hpoddan Posts: 16 Member
    Over the Labor Day weekend I was able to put on 7 pounds :( I am happy to say that it took roughly a week for me to be at pre-vacation weight and now back under. Just have to stay dedicated. It's the darn drinking that slows the metabolism wayyy down!!!
  • Over the Labor Day weekend I was able to put on 7 pounds :( I am happy to say that it took roughly a week for me to be at pre-vacation weight and now back under. Just have to stay dedicated. It's the darn drinking that slows the metabolism wayyy down!!!

    I know but its soooo good its hard to resist...being by the sea I just had to have cocktails lol oh well i am hoping hard work and my healthy eating will put me bk...someone mentioned it even might do me some good as I stopped losing regardless of what I was doing so supposedly by giving my body more and now going bk to normal will kick start better metabolism?!dunno how true that is tho
  • I'm no expert, but I think 5lbs gain over two weeks doesn't sound likely given what you said about exercising. As others have said, perhaps it's water retention or perhaps it's just the result of normal variance in bodyweight over time.

    Thing about weight loss is that it's not a sprint or even a marathon. In my opinion, it's about lasting, sustainable changes to habits and lifestyle. The place where I'd like to be is one where I *can* eat and drink more during the holidays, at Christmas, on other special occasions, knowing that my overall better habits will kick in when I return and will keep my weight healthy overall. I think the trick is to (a) recognise when the holiday is over and 'normal service' has to be resumed, and (b) during the holiday or special occasion keep doing some exercise, show some restraint, and don't go completely nuts.

    From the first post I'd say you've succeeded at (a) and (b), and hopefully the scales will back up that view over time.
  • thanks :) i feel weirdly ok about this weight gain when if this was a 6 months ago i would freak perhaps I am on my way to being a 'happy' dieter ... like u say its a lifetime change not a quick fix ;)