Saying goodbye to muffin tops once and for all

Hi all

I have finally decided to make a good go of loosing a bit of weight rather than sitting about thinking about doing it and getting stroppy cos it's not shifting. For the last few months I've been making a half arsed attempt at exercising and eating healthy but only in burst, like one day I would eat well and maybe bike to work (9 mile round trip) and then eat take away the next day and slump about for the rest of the week. Not the way to loose my spare tire!! So, as it's my birthday in a month I have decided to try and loose a little by then so that I feel a bit better in myself and hopefully by then I will be in a bit more of a routine to carry on so that when new year comes around I won't be trying to shift even more weight.

I'm not trying to loose a lot but I am bigger than I'd like to be and not any where near as healthy as I could be, so with a bit of determination, encouragement and by surrounding myself with like minded fat busters I'm hoping to make this time the last time of trying.

Anywho, I look forward to chatting with you, sharing stories and motivation. Bring forward the changes!!


  • Shazamablam
    Shazamablam Posts: 20 Member
    Good Luck!! I am back being healthy and trying to do this right using MFP and so far I have lost 6lbs in 3 weeks without having to stop eating everything I love. My biggest tip is to weigh out the portions so you can track accurately!

    Feel free to add me :-)
  • sounds like my attempts !! im determine to do it this time!!! you sound like you've got a good attitude to start with!!!

    good luck in your mfp journey!!! :) feel free to add me i've only started this week but loving it!!

    yay to no muffin tops !!

    bon xx
  • VryIrishGirl76
    VryIrishGirl76 Posts: 1,167 Member
    I second the weighing, or at the very least measuring.
    If that feels like too much, just switch to a smaller plate. :)
  • Wow guys, thanks for such a quick and positive response!

    You all seem like very brave and motivated people, I hope it rubs off!

    Good luck and keep it up!

  • You can do it!!! im working on getting rid of the muffin top also! i found it easy to make excuses on why i didnt want to work out.. now i have a sign on my fridge that says NO EXCUSES LOL .. and if your like me you walk past your fridge alot during the day.. it helps me stay on track along with having a puppy who needs a daily walk! :) good luck add me if you want :)
  • Making a change in your life....that's awesome. I remember my turning point was looking at a picture of myself and I saw something I never want to see again. I love this site because so many motivating people are on here to keep pushing me to make better choices are exercising regularly. I'll add you for more support and we'll both reach our goals. Can't wait to see how well you do in a month! Good Luck!
  • Lyra89
    Lyra89 Posts: 674 Member
    Add me! I'm also finally back to it to lose the muffin top :smile: I lost 50lbs then stopped at the last 10 and maintained for a year and a half, SO fed up of being so close to goal...we can do it! x
  • stunningalmond
    stunningalmond Posts: 275 Member
    I'm also on a journey to rid myself of the evil muffin top :) I used to do the same as you, get all gung-ho for a couple of days and eat really well and exercise, then I'd go on a big junk food bender and erase all my hard work. It's a struggle, but I'm determined to look great and feel great :)

    Welcome to MFP :)
  • I don't know why I didn't sign up before, there are so many beautiful people all aiming for the same thing.

    Thank you all for such nice and motivating comments!

    I look forward to a slimmer healthier life and hearing all about yours!

    We CAN do this!!
  • stunningalmond
    stunningalmond Posts: 275 Member
    And we WILL :D
  • jrhartley
    jrhartley Posts: 18 Member
    Yep we will definitely do it!

    Weighing stuff makes a huge difference and I've found just cutting out the 10 cups of tea with milk a day has made a huge difference! Go herbal tea!! =)

    Good Luck xxx
  • jmeyer925
    jmeyer925 Posts: 326 Member
    :heart: Leave the muffin tops to the bakers, leave the being sexier to you!