Ok I'm back

I failed lat time i was here because, I will be honest,i liked to partake in a certain herb, wich made me lazy and binge eat, I havent done this now for a month and I feel I wont again. I have been excersising regular each morning and evening (brisk walks, light jog), fast food =GONE, sugar=Gone salt=GONE. I hated fish now I tolerate it, And i have decided to cut out any processed food, including weight watchers stuff, just fish and chicken and salads and veg for me now. So I thought i would start the right way and introduce myself again. My name is scott i reside in the republic of ireland , I am 28 years old and i weigh right now 277lbs.

I really found this site helpfull last time around, and it depresses me that i gave up when progress was showing, BUT I SWEAR THIS TIME ITS ON!!!

Hope to be a part of this wonderfull community, and maybe get some help along the way.

Carpe Diem


  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    It wasn't a failure, just a setback. Years ago I smoked (tobacco) heavily. I quit but it took me multiple tries to finally get rid of the habit. Welcome back.
  • scotty38886
    scotty38886 Posts: 55 Member
    Thank you
  • DonC77
    DonC77 Posts: 92 Member
    It wasn't a failure, just a setback. Years ago I smoked (tobacco) heavily. I quit but it took me multiple tries to finally get rid of the habit. Welcome back.
    Same happened to me.Finally kicked the habit then found an extra 40 lbs on me.

    Agree it is not a failure, we all have set backs. But you made the biggest step, getting back at it and sounds like you are going at it with a eye on your goal.

    No need to look back look forward to where you want to be, you will get there!

    Feel free to add me, I still have some weight to lose and will be around for a while!
  • beebee0925
    beebee0925 Posts: 441 Member
    It would be a failure if you totally gave up. The person who says I tried once in 1953 to be healthy and gave up are the "failure" and even they have a chance to get back up and get on a right path. You totally got this.