Hello New Member here!

Just wanted to say hi, I'm new to my fitness pal, I can't believe that I had never heard of it before two days ago. I'm hoping to lose about 20 pounds so I can fit into my wedding dress.


  • lauraa0411
    Welcome, you will love it here, this is a wondeful site and it is going to be a great tool for your weight loss goal. :smile:
  • rascheer
    Hello Katie,

    Welcome and I know you can loose that extra weight. What is your game plan? Are you using a program or winging it lol?
    I am using slim-fast.com I love the menus. I put in my information and the menus is genarated based on that alone. They also have meal substitution if there is something you can't eat or just perfer not too. Good luck & God Bless !

  • kidd14
    Hi I'm relatively new to this weight loss thing. It's really hard for me because before this I could eat anything and it all seemed to just run right through me and now I'm gaining. So I need new eating habits. I find myself just falling back into the old ruitine just because it's easy. This sucks. I just want to lose 15 pounds. AHHH....javascript:add_smiley('tongue','post_body')