Lunchtime Work Out? How do you do it?



  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    If you guys aren't getting sweaty enough to shower, you aren't doing it right. Lol. I shower afterward, takes like a minute or two. I'm really fast, wash hair, wash body, out. Dry get dressed, back to work, eat lunch at desk while working. Easy-peasy. It's nice to do because then when I get home from work, I can just relax.
  • Same for me, Gym is just down the road, so I change at the gym, do about 30 mins workout. I have a shower at work, so I head back to work and shower there. I can eat lunch at my desk when I'm done too. I'd never make it to the gym after work, so this is my only choice. It's tight getting a shower fitted into the hour, but if I tie my hair up and don't wash it I usually make it. On the occasions I have to wash my hair I tend to overrun the hour by about 10 mins.
  • carebear0173
    carebear0173 Posts: 13 Member
    I usually just go jog about 3.5 miles (in about 30-32 minutes) and then cool down for a while before I change clothes again. I keep deoderant in my desk and will go to the restrooms or kitchen to wash my hands arms and face if I am sweating too much. It helps me cool down faster too. I try to go around noon and then eat lunch at my desk around 1:30. Have a mid morning snack at least an hour before I go so I don't get cramps. I LOVE MY LUNCH TIME RUN! I don't have time in the mornings or the evenings since I have 2 kids etc. etc. etc.
  • I do find that some days I could get away with skin wipes to clean me up, I'm sweaty but not that sweaty - especially if I've walked to/from the gym (takes longer but warms up and cools down better)
  • 00Melyanna00
    00Melyanna00 Posts: 221 Member
    My office is far from any gym and my lunch break is of exactly 1 hour - I can't be flexible.
    I eat at my desk and then go out for a 30 minutes walk.
  • glenette1
    glenette1 Posts: 140 Member
    I work in a physical therapy gym so it's a bit of an advantage. However, I hate to get sweaty at lunch then have to see patients all day stinky so I don't usually do cardio on my lunch break. I have found that it's a great time to get some strength training in so I can focus on cardio later in the day/evening. Maybe you could keep two dumbbells at your office and work on toning arms and possibly abs on your lunch break.
  • HelenDootson
    HelenDootson Posts: 443 Member
    I pack my lunch/snacks for work each morning and my gym bag.

    The gym I use is 3 mins away from my work. I go the gym, get dressed and get ready to work out. I can fit in 3- 10 min circuts or 30-35 min of running/cardio before I head back in to the locker room for a shower. I shower, fix my hair, get dressed and head back to work. Since I have a desk type job, I just eat my lunch when I'm ready to while I work.

    It has worked for me for a couple years now it just takes a bit of planning.
    ^^This except my gym is 10 mins away
  • There is a park close to my office that I use for my workout. I usually will do as many body weight exercises as I can, and then go back to work. I change my shirt, and use extra deodorant as I don't have time, or the facilities to shower. These are supplemental workouts for me, but I find they really help!

    For example:
    Day 1: nonstop lunges for 600
    Day 2: pull ups and push ups
    Day 3: non stop lunges for 500
    Day 4: repeat or bench dips for as many sets as possible

    I then eat at my desk afterwards. Hope that helps!
  • GurleyGirl524
    GurleyGirl524 Posts: 578 Member
    My office has a gym so that helps. There are showers, but no time during lunch. If I workout during lunch, I turn a fan on whatever machine I am using. Use plenty of deodorant before & after, and wipe down with baby wipes when I am done. I also take a late lunch so I don't have much time to stink up the joint afterwards. If you don't have access to a gym during lunch, perhaps you could go outside and take a walk, or walk up and down the stairs. As far as the eating part, I am able to eat at my desk, but that is not an option for everyone. Maybe you can pack a small balanced lunch and eat after a walk.
  • JBApplebee
    JBApplebee Posts: 481 Member
    My gym is less than 10 minutes from work. I don't take a break in the morning, so I get an hour & 15 minutes for lunch. I run three times a week & lift twice over lunch & I shower & go back to work. I can get 40 minutes of working out & not have a problem getting back in time.
  • PrincessMissDee
    PrincessMissDee Posts: 183 Member
    I used to wonder how to get around to this but the only way I could figure it out was by giving it a go.

    My gym is 10 mins from the office, I can shower and change in minutes, wear minimal make-up on those days and don't bother doing anything fancy with my hair.

    In my job everybody eats al-desko anyway so I eat something quick and easy when I get back.
  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 833 Member
    At lunch I do a number of different things to get in a workout.
    Go for a walk/run
    I keep resistance bands in my desk and will take them to the park or an empty conference room for a quick strength training workout
    Climb the stairs repeatedly
    walk to the restaurant that I ordered lunch from.
    Go to the gym

    After my workout, I change clothes, wipe my self down with baby wipes, brush my hair and use deodorant and I head back to the office.
  • jparks341
    jparks341 Posts: 216 Member
    I change in to workout clothes and do a brisk 2-3 mile walk. Come back and cool down while eating my lunch, since I always eat at my desk anyway, no change.
  • whouwannab
    whouwannab Posts: 350 Member
    good tips!
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    I only run at lunch when the weather is cooler (I've missed my lunch runs and am ready to start doing them again). I eat lunch at my desk while I'm working. I'll change in my office and go run for 30-45 minutes and then do a "*kitten*'s bath" in my office and change back into my regular clothes. On days I'm going to do it I'll take my lunch break a little later in the day so I'm only gross for about an hour at the end of the day. I can't get away with it if it's over about 75 outside. Over the spring and summer I've been running early in the morning.
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    I pack my lunch/snacks for work each morning and my gym bag.

    The gym I use is 3 mins away from my work. I go the gym, get dressed and get ready to work out. I can fit in 3- 10 min circuts or 30-35 min of running/cardio before I head back in to the locker room for a shower. I shower, fix my hair, get dressed and head back to work. Since I have a desk type job, I just eat my lunch when I'm ready to while I work.

    It has worked for me for a couple years now it just takes a bit of planning.

    This, or I just go for an hour's walk.
  • ksemien
    ksemien Posts: 133 Member
    My office was just discussing starting some type of wellness program incorporating some 30 min a day exercise. Fortunately, my boss is not making us utilize our lunch break. These are excellent/interesting ideas. Thanks!
  • ATclassof2021
    ATclassof2021 Posts: 232 Member
    I change in my office, get outside and hit the street for up to 9 miles during my lunch.....I can take extended lunches and make the time up by staying around a little later. Once my run is over, I go back to my office and work until I cool off while having a recovery drink. I am lucky that we have a shower in our restrooms so I hit it once I am cooled off and eat my lunch at my desk. Without a lunch time run I would never have the hours needed to get everything I need to done. After work I usually head streight to the gym, lift weights for 45-60 min then head home to feed my teenage son. Rest and repeat the following day....

    If you truly want to do it, you will make it work.

  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    If you guys aren't getting sweaty enough to shower, you aren't doing it right. Lol. I shower afterward, takes like a minute or two. I'm really fast, wash hair, wash body, out. Dry get dressed, back to work, eat lunch at desk while working. Easy-peasy. It's nice to do because then when I get home from work, I can just relax.

    OK...but if you had long hair, needed moisturiser on your body and to apply make up it would take alot longer!!
  • jooonesy
    jooonesy Posts: 86 Member
    I usually either bring lunch from home that day or get my food before I go to the gym. Some lunch hours I'll take spinning or Pilates. Pilates doesn't make me smelly, but spinning sure does. I usually take a shower after the gym and it ends up being a little longer than an hour (more like an hour and 15 minutes), and then I eat lunch at my desk.