17 pounds to go

I'm really having a hard time keeping motivated to lose the last seventeen pounds to reach my final goal. I am healthier, but I've been working hard since last May. I lost 61 pounds in total. But I want to keep losing! It's just that it's not coming off easy at all. I don't know what I'm doing wrong and I have been working hard on everything. It's rather frustrating.

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  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    The closer you get to your goal or "ideal" weight the harder it is to loose but stick with it and it will come off, even if it is slower than you would like. hang in there.
  • cassandra1220
    cassandra1220 Posts: 284 Member
    The closer you get to your goal or "ideal" weight the harder it is to loose but stick with it and it will come off, even if it is slower than you would like. hang in there.

  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    You WILL get there! Think of how far you've come. 17 pounds is nothing compared to 61!! I bet you feel so healthy now - let that inspire you to keep going. Think about the health benefits and how you feel, instead of what the scale says. I would even suggest to take a break from the scale for a while. Maybe check-in once a month - you may surprise yourself and see bigger changes that way.
  • MissesOfficer
    I've lost somewhere around 70 and have about 20 more to go and I'm trying, but it's hard. I am losing inches I think (judging by pants & people's comments... I've never measured myself and I should have)... I have an actual workout routine that I didn't have before now... my main problem is falling off track with eating. I have about 2 days a week where I don't eat all that great, then get mad at myself and eating healthy for a few and fall back off again. I am defiantly not content with my weight now and want to lose more, but it's almost like I think I'll never be 155 pounds with a flat tummy, so why bother? Ugghh... hang in there girl and I will try to do the same :)