Young adults? 18-24

Hi, I am looking for friends to help get motivated and to help motivate me.

I am currently on the Cambridge Weight Plan Programme and would love some friends on here who are on the same or a similar programmes.

Add me :-)


  • auty1991
    auty1991 Posts: 21 Member
    Hello. (:
  • I just looked at the CWP, and I just want to warn you to be careful. If you choose to do steps 1-4, please do so under clinical supervision. Extremely low calorie diets can work for short periods, but you really need to have a doctor watching your health. Generally, 1200 is the lowest recommended caloric intake unless you are working with a medical professional.

    I wish you the best of luck on your weight loss journey, but please, please be careful.
  • I have a Cambridge Weight Plan consultant and she will guide me and advise me all the way through the process. I am on the VLCD at the moment with just 3 shakes and 2 litres of water a day. I will start introducing a 200 calorie meal within the next 10 weeks.

    My doctor is aware and my health is ok :) Thanks for the concern x