Looking for friends!

Hey all, just wanted to post and say hello, and I hope to get some new friends on here. Weight loss is always easier when you have someone cheering you on! (and vice versa of course!)

I'm 27 years old, 133 lbs and 5'2". I have stopped-and-started my journey quite a few times, but I lost a lot of weight in 2010. From March 2010 to October 2010, I lost 35 lbs! I went from 150 to 115. (my profile pic is me in Oct 2010 at 115)

Since 2010, I've been doing the slow climb back up. I just want to be strong, and healthy, and to hit that goal weight of 115 once again. This time I'd like to stay there and maintain. But I've got a long road to get back to 115.

I love strength training and kettlebell. Not so much a runner, but I probably need to get back into it. If you'd like to be friends, please shoot me a friend request and I'd LOVE to cheer you on your journey.