Not new just back

I have not introduced myself. I am a 35 year old Mom of 3 boys (13, 10 and 4). I lost 40 lbs when I first started in Oct 2010. I have gained 23 back and so here I am. I deserve to do this the way it will work for me. I struggle with food because in times of trouble I use restricting food as a way of control. I was diagnosed anorexic, but I feel more like I use it as a vice rather than it being an ongoing problem for me. I went through some very emotional stuff and used it as a way to keep some control in my life. I am committed to having a heathly lifestyle. Starving myself just doesn't work. It doesn't make the problems go away and I damage my body in the process. In fact it makes me feel worse. I know it's not about the weight or the food, but somehow I talk myself into thinking that if I was skinny I would be happy.

Great News! I am truly happy now. I have a wonderful life and now I deserve to be healthy so I can be in this life of mine for a long long time. If you feel like you could use my support or would like to support me please add me as your friend.


  • tracypk
    tracypk Posts: 233 Member
    Bump to get some feedback.
  • krisam007
    krisam007 Posts: 17 Member
    Over the years I have gone through some desperate "Hangry" times where I felt the only way I could lose was to restrict....I feel my goals now are to feel the most satisfied on quality calories and feeding my whole self with whole foods. I earn my indulgences, but definitely have moments where I just want to eat a whole pack of Oreos! In my heart I know this is a lifestyle....a diet I can maintain for life!! Although counting calories can make me neurotic, I am keeping an open mind about using MFP as a tool to see where I can improve and learn from people, like finding out my "real" bmi with an instrument and not just a calculator. People out there have great food ideas that are actually delicious so you never have to feel deprived...Slaving to the scale or expecting to quickly accomplish huge goals will make you nuts!! We women have so much pressure and I'm sure taking care of 3 boys is exhausting! It sounds like you really want this the healthy way! It makes my heart break to see so many girls on here with ED's, especially the really young ones who are striving for something that they think will make their life happy but could make them sick and even kill them :( When I am hard on myself I think about my girls and how I would feel if they were privately as hard on themselves as I am sometimes...we want them to just love themselves so I guess we have to try to do the same. Spy on diaries, I learn a lot! :flowerforyou: