WHAT is goin on?!?!

okay so Im stuck.... i dont get why I am not losing weight! I workout EVERYDAY and eat somewhat healthy (trying as hard as I can since its the holidays)

My day looks like this..

- Eat 1350 calories a day
- Cardio= Elliptical 15/20 min. on level 5-8 resistance......& walking 15 incline on treadmil for 10 min. and running sprints every 30 to
60 seconds.
- Weights= arms/legs/abs switching every other day for 10-15 min.

I usually burn 300-450 calories a day... What am I doing wrong??? I weight 125 and wanna get to 120 or look absolutely toned and althletic.


  • tevtcop
    pal~~i've got the same problem as yours!!and it's totally sucks!!have been tried to limit my food intake and exercise more,but the result still zero!!what actually happen??this thing depressed already,and you girls know right what will happen when our cortisol increase?i don't want to go back to my BED problem!!help me!!!
  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    You're 19 years old and you only have 5 lbs to lose (?) That's why.

    5 lbs is harder to lose than 35 lbs - you are so close to normal that your body is wondering why you're even efforting to do this. Just concentrate on the health aspect of your lifestyle and worry less about 5lbs of water weight! Let nature take it's course - your efforts could take up to a year to manifest. That's number one.

    Number two is you're 19 years old - you are essentially still in the process of growing up biologically and physically. Growing requires energy, and you're putting restraints on supplying fuel to your bodys daily needs.

    Relax, enjoy the 'me-time' and develop your lifelong habit of health!
  • gc2052
    gc2052 Posts: 183
    I had been doing boot camp (one hour aerobic) for a couple of months lost a little but when I started walking before and after my work out I started losing 2-3 pounds a month. Like you I have little to loose and it is harder. Kick up the time you are working out. Also be sure you eat enough. That was hard for me to do. I eat my designated calories 1200 and at least part of my exercise calories.
  • epoeraven
    epoeraven Posts: 458 Member
    You eat 1350 calories but burn up to 450? It is possible your body is in starvation mode. What does this sight say you are supposed to be eating?

    I have found when I follow the site's guidlines I do much better at losing weight than when I eat fewer calories than recommended.

    Just curious....does the BMI tool put you in the healthy range? If it does - I wouldn't worry about it.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    There can be a big difference between being at a healthy body weight and looking "toned and athletic".

    Athletes look the way they do because they train like athletes. Your current program is more of a recreational/health type routine--which is fine. I'm not saying that you NEED to look like an athlete to be healthy--that's your professed goal.

    You are probably not eating enough and you are definitely not lifting enough. It may also be that, at 19, your body isn't fully mature or you may have a specific body type.
  • limestar
    limestar Posts: 198 Member
    I was in the same situation as you. I wanted to lose my last 5 lbs. I would exercise like crazy and eat around 1200 -1300 cal. My body got used to the routine so I switched my workouts. I got the chalean extreme and at first i gained weight because my body was so sore and was retaining water to heal the muscle. then i stayed at 120 for a long time (my starting weight was 115) but i started to measure my body and i was losing inches and seeing muscle. so i did not mind the weight gain.now i look thinner than what i am, i look toned and am still 118. my point to you is that you need to trick your body and push on hard on something else if you want to lose your last pounds or be toned. try lifting heavier weight and do them slowly and up to 20 to 30 min. for cardio try burst of sprints in your treadmill.start off 3 to 5 min walking, then jog around 8 for 2 min then for 1 min sprint go pass 10 something faster than what you are used to and then jog for 2 min, do that for 30 min and cool down. or try something different, yoga, kickboxing, something different from your usual workout. hope that helped. if you need more help let me know, i been there and done that
    P.S. Athletes are toned because they do hours of cardio and hours on the weights. I know because i used to be one. In high school i would run 10 miles a day for 5 days and the 6th day was competition. I would hit the weights 3 to 4 times a week for at least 45 min. When I trained for a triathalon I would workout 2 to 3hrs a day ,5 to 6 times a week. Just to say that if you want to look like them you need to give a lot more.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I'm going to 2nd and 3rd what everyone else is saying.

    You need to train hard to look like an athlete. Sweating, panting, grunting, lifting to failure. It takes more than 15 minutes to thoroughly tax multiple muscle groups.
  • karissastephens
    karissastephens Posts: 324 Member
    Thank you everyone for your advice! But after I do my cardio Im so exhausted its hard to do weights. Should I split days between the two? But if I do that I feel like I'd gain because Im not burning my calories from cardio :/
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Do weights first or on alternating days, whatever works with your schedule.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Thank you everyone for your advice! But after I do my cardio Im so exhausted its hard to do weights. Should I split days between the two? But if I do that I feel like I'd gain because Im not burning my calories from cardio :/

    It's a leap of faith, but I would try doing only minimal cardio (10-15 min warmup) on days you do quality (more intense) strength work and see what happens.