Stupid water question

Ok so don't be mean, but I can not drink water, I just can't do it. It makes me gag, and almost throw up. And yes, I have ALWAYS been like this. I do force myself to drink it, but get very little. I do not drink soda, I do not drink juice. I do brew tea, A LOT of tea. I never sweeten it, always have it plain. It is what it is, ya know. So I guess my question is, is this super bad? I know I "should" have more water and that it is the best, but am I really doing myself no favors by this? What are the long term effects? And not TMI but I pee ALL the time as it is...If I do force myself to drink more I am like a walking, freaking, leaking, hose.


  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    This is not bad at all. Tea is fine for hydration!!!
  • amberecochran
    amberecochran Posts: 124 Member
    The only concern with tea is the caffeine, so why not drink tea but make it decaffeinated tea? That way, your still getting your water but not the harmfull effect of caffeine. Just a thought!
  • valmb2
    valmb2 Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks girls, I have always ALWAYS been a tea drinker, and I haven't died yet, so I figured it was ok :tongue: But I just wanted to know everyone elses thoughts. :)