New to MyFitnessPal

Hey everyone.. I am Floyd 34 years old and over the last 3-4 years i have gained about 40 lbs. I have already lost 8 over the last few months but got on a stale run and no will power to continue. A friend showed me this site and its so easy and works with my PC, Tablet and phone so there is no reason i can't keep up with the food diary. My goal is to lose 32 more lbs by Dec 31st.. I even made a small friendly bet with a friend that is trying to lose about 20 lbs. I am 6'2" 232lbs currently. I do have another friend and she wrote me a nutrition plan to help guide me through the process and promised to drag me to the gym at times.

Looking forward to seeing some of you around the site over the next 3-4 months.

I am a single male so if anyone has recipes that are easy to prepare 10-15 mins.. If its takes more than 15 minutes to prepare I tend to skip it resulting in fast food or pizza delivery. It can take longer to cook but with my small apartment kitchen complex recipes are annoying to prepare with little to no counter space.

I wish everyone the best and the will power to continue on your personal goals.


  • No love.. lol
  • Welcome! It's always great to see another guy on here! I'll send you a friend request.
  • Jo5ie
    Jo5ie Posts: 33 Member
    Hi there! I'm Josie and and have been using my MFP for about 3 weeks and have lost more weight than any diet. I love it and it's so easy to use and I add new friends who help keep me motivated.

    Welcome and good luck. Stick with it, you have done fantastic so far :flowerforyou:
  • BLSaw
    BLSaw Posts: 216 Member
    welcome man, add if you want
  • Welcome Floyd!

    Take out will be your down fall - in sodium alone. What may be best for you is getting pre-made meals. You are in Frisco so hit up Central Market, Market Street, or Etzy's (if you have one near) and stock up weekly. It can get a bit pricey going that route but no more so than take out. That and if you have the bar code scanner on your MFP you can check the calories etc before purchase. There are also delivery options online.

    If you want to try your hand at some homemade meals (I urge you its very gratifying), a good friend of mine is Cooking Lights 5 ingredients or less meals.

    Best of luck on your goals and that bet!!
  • butterflylady86
    butterflylady86 Posts: 369 Member
    Welcome to MFP. Good luck with your journey to health. Peace
  • Andrea681
    Andrea681 Posts: 178 Member
    Hi Floyd! I'm Andrea and I've been a member here since February. MFP is great. I have lost over 20lbs and have gained a new lease on life. I have really enjoyed meeting my wonderful, motivational friends on here and would like to help you with your journey as well. Please send me a friend request (anyone can) if you want.

    Have a great day!!!
  • belladonna786
    belladonna786 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Welcome :) this site is awesome! I have lost 22lbs so far and going down. The support is great and everything is easy to find and track. Good luck!
  • Dragonldy69
    Dragonldy69 Posts: 368 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hello to all New MFP friends.. I would like to WELCOME you to MFP..This is a great site.. It is very motivational and supportive.. Read the post and forums and add friends.. You can add me if you wish..:drinker:
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    Hey Floyd - I lost 35 lbs using eDiets previously, but I kept all my recipes (and they were all quick to fix). You may have to modify them since I have the recipes from when I was losing weight (so I was on 1200-1400 calories) and when I went on maintenance (1500-1700 calories); let me know which recipes work the best.

    Also, they're all low glycemic because I tend towards sugar addiction :) I do best when I eat 3 meals per day plus a couple of snacks in between. This keeps my blood sugar at an even keel and I don't become the starving monster.

    My other best advice: prepare your meals in advance (that usually means the night before); I pack my breakfast, lunch and snacks to go to work and when I was in a job where I could end up working until 7-8pm at night sometimes...I'd pack my dinner too. This prevented the starving mode ...where I'd run get anything quick to eat regardless of it's nutritional value. It worked for me.

    I kept it off 4 1/2 years...yes I'm on here now; I put on a few pounds last year...but that's a long story. Thing is...I've already lost 1/2 of it.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    oh, there is lots of love! WELCOME!
  • Hi! Welcome home!
  • quill16
    quill16 Posts: 373 Member
    Healthy eating will get you there winning your bet. My husband lost 30 lbs as I was losing my weight from eating healthier foods and better cooking techniques. We cut out fried, processed, junk and fast food. Some healthy alternatives are greek yogurt(open container), rice cakes and natural peanut butter, eggs(eggwhites), protein bars(you have to read labels), salads, fresh fruits and loads of vegies.
  • Wow I posted the no love comment and then went to eat my very late lunch. Thank you everyone for the responses, help, suggestions and links..

    Like kangoojumps said.. "There is lots of love!!!"
  • I probably won't do the pre-made meals since it would get pricey. I will check out that link since that sounds about prefect.. 5 ingredients or less is right up my alley for a tight schedule some days and easier to shop for. Thanks again for that one.
    Welcome Floyd!

    Take out will be your down fall - in sodium alone. What may be best for you is getting pre-made meals. You are in Frisco so hit up Central Market, Market Street, or Etzy's (if you have one near) and stock up weekly. It can get a bit pricey going that route but no more so than take out. That and if you have the bar code scanner on your MFP you can check the calories etc before purchase. There are also delivery options online.

    If you want to try your hand at some homemade meals (I urge you its very gratifying), a good friend of mine is Cooking Lights 5 ingredients or less meals.

    Best of luck on your goals and that bet!!
  • ShallaLovee
    ShallaLovee Posts: 341 Member
    Welcome floyd! I just joined myfitnesspal today. Wish you the best on your fitness journey!
  • I've been on since May :) I've lost 28 pounds. I love this site. It would be nice to see your progress. :) Good Luck!
  • Vmgals - Thank you.. I will check them out.. My goal is to take in about 1800 a day but the right foods and exercise to take the lbs off. looking to lose about 2-2.5 lbs a week..
  • Hi there! I just started, too. Just now, in fact. :)

    I've been trying to lose weight and shape up since June and have been doing fairly well with it. I've actually lost almost 20 lbs so far, but MFP doesn't let you figure in weight already lost into that little widget-thing, so....

    I wish you the best in your journey!
  • danabromley
    danabromley Posts: 87 Member
    Welcome!!!:flowerforyou: Best of luck in your journey to a more healthy you. This place can really help you win that bet, I'm sure.