6-Day challenge anyone?



  • timmijop
    timmijop Posts: 86 Member
    I have been trying to take off the baby weight since my daughter was born in February so a little over 10 months! She definately keeps me busy! Way to go daveandjulieann you are kicking some major butt!!!
  • Emilydmo
    Emilydmo Posts: 101
    HAPPY NEW YEARS TO YOU ALL!!!!! Knowing I had this weigh-in kept me on track all week (though I did splurge a little yesterday, but even then it was only a moderate splurge!). I'm so excited because I'm back to my pre-holiday weight!!!!


    End 210.6

    What a week! Barry's boot camp, clean eating and the immense will to wear my size 14s out to new years last night (I did, by the way, and felt great!). I think some of it might be alcohol dehydration, but I'd guess it's still within a lb, so I'll take it! Yea all and hope everyone else gets to ring in the new year on the right foot!
  • timmijop
    timmijop Posts: 86 Member
    Way to go Emilydmo!!! I havent weighed in yet but I know I have lost a pants size this week!!! I wore the jeans I wore on my first date with my husband :) I save things like that I can help it!! LOL they are only 5 years old so that isnt too bad I have shoes that are older! But to me that was a big step in my weight loss!!! Happy new year everyone!