Whats your food craving today?

For some reason over the past 24 hrs I have eaten a small mountain of tomatos and cucumbers w viniger and cracked pepper/sea salt. Maybe I'm trying to compensate for that fountain coke I really want.


  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Red wine...would kill for a glass tonight but it would put me over. Sad day.
    LALOCHA34 Posts: 340 Member
    I have been trying to avoid SODIUM and it is haunting my life.

    Today I caved and had Japanese (Hibatchi) I didn't add any soy sauce or anything like that but I am sure they way they prepare, cook and season the food it has to be loaded.

    Sodium has been tripped. :grumble:

    (I use to be a big salty snacker so maybe that explains it, these days not so much)