
  • annmedford71
    annmedford71 Posts: 32 Member
    girl i wish i could do what your doing in your pic. rock on!
  • Stop trying to sell me you darnr shakes. DO I really look like I need them? No. No. Just stopped at the health food store to pick up some vitamins....and the overweight clerk wants to sell me GNC shakes

    I HATE Shakes. They don't fill me up. I need to chew.

    And what is it with pm's from people wanting to sell me shakeology and be my coach? Is there something WRONG with the way I look? I don't think so. I am happy. I am using MFP simply to maintain.

    I don't want your advice. I don't need it. If I want it I will search out a thread on it. I don't need your PM about how your magic shake will help me lose weight.

    Right there...I've already been offended. I am an ok weight. I want to maintain. I DON't WANT YOUR HELP. Shakes for me are NOT NECESSARY!

    If you are going to give me BETTER look WAY better than me and be able to do the pose I am doing in my photo. If you can't..don't tell me WHAT to do fitness wise or diet wise. If it works for you...GREAT. What works for me is great. STOP giving me advice and teling me my food diary sucks.

    Dont feel bad. My aunt was harrassed too at GNC. The damn sales clerk wouldnt leave her alone about the protein shakes so she bought them just to shut him up and get out of the store. Currently Im drinking them because she didnt like them.

    BTW- You look great! :smile:
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    Hey it beats the herbalife PMs.
  • joakool
    joakool Posts: 434 Member
    High Five! Er, as soon as you stand up. :wink:
  • artickb22
    artickb22 Posts: 411 Member
    I've been fortunate to not have been solicited thus far! I would just block anyone who tried. I have to chew as well. Shakes and things have never bided well with me. Besides I am (trying) to practice 'clean eating' so anything processed and made into a food source is not for me at this time. Stand your ground! you look great and I'm envious of your pose! ;-)
  • k8lyn_235
    k8lyn_235 Posts: 507 Member
    One thing I do need help my proofreading.

    SO EMBARRASED that I made so many typos in my angry rant filled post.

    Is there a shake to fix that??

    No, but I am offering a special on my Punctuation90X program

    lmao at both of these!

    totally agree, though. i hate it when people try to force those stupid shakes on me!!
  • kykykenna
    kykykenna Posts: 656 Member
    One thing I do need help my proofreading.

    SO EMBARRASED that I made so many typos in my angry rant filled post.

    Is there a shake to fix that??

    No, but I am offering a special on my Punctuation90X program

  • mom2handh1975
    mom2handh1975 Posts: 224 Member
    One thing I do need help my proofreading.

    SO EMBARRASED that I made so many typos in my angry rant filled post.

    Is there a shake to fix that??

    No, but I am offering a special on my Punctuation90X program

    ^^^ LMAO!!!
  • reegordon
    reegordon Posts: 97 Member
    I've never had that problem on here but I have on facebook.....and I'm in better shape than the "coach" !
  • Poorgirls_Diet
    Poorgirls_Diet Posts: 528 Member
    I get these emails all the time about shakeology, Isagenex etc. I think they must look at peoples ticker or something. In one day I got about 10 emails from people pushing their shakes onto me. I think my friends on here were thinking I was bonkers because they weren't targeted and getting emails but I am glad that other people can confirm this sh1t does happen!! I used to be friends with a girl on here who had supposedly lost 191lbs on these shakes but when asked for photos for inspiration she used to change the subject constantly and then her weight went back to zero in a month. She was using the site to get customers and used to tell me that I will never be able to do it unless I have these shakes. Fair enough I don't look half as good as you in your picture which is why I have my cat in my profile picture because he looks cuter than me and doesn't have to lose weight.
  • Whoa whoa, calm down turbo. I'm sure that person was just trying to do their job.
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    Preach IT!!! I can not hold your profile pic pose, but I certainly am not in need of nutritional advice from a store sales clerk or a "coach". A friend's husband got into that and friended me on FB and is incessantly pushing the beachbody crap. Now, I like a few of their workouts and have bought them on my own after reviewing them. But, i don't want someone who knows next to nothing telling me about supplements, cleanses, shakes, etc. If I want a "coach", I'll go hire a professional.
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member
    One thing I do need help my proofreading.

    SO EMBARRASED that I made so many typos in my angry rant filled post.

    Is there a shake to fix that??

    No, but I am offering a special on my Punctuation90X program

    Ok..I'd definately invest in that one! Put that on autoship!
  • bcerz811
    bcerz811 Posts: 39 Member
    Don't take it personally, they just want your monies :)

    Edited to say: you are a beast. that pose in your pic is awesome. You rock.
  • Awesome picture! I haven't had any problems on here but I have had days where I've debated deleting old Facebook friends because they spam it constantly... I think it would become a problem if they ever targeted me...
  • sandi117
    sandi117 Posts: 445 Member
    I haven't gotten any of those PM's on here (yet...) but I kind of know what you're saying. It's sad when I have to block my own friends on FB because they kept pushing Herbalife.

    BTW you look amazing, I hope to one day be able to do the same pose as you!
  • tacticalhippie
    tacticalhippie Posts: 596 Member
    in response to the gnc comment...
    we pretty much have to mention the shakes.
    a percentage of our sales are supposed to be a certain selection of items.
    if we don't hit it, then we can get fired.

    i got chewed out 1/2 way home from alabama because the people at my store weren't hitting goals while i was on vacation.
    that was a lovely drive.

    so while it may annoy you, know that it's something we are required to do.
    just smile and nod or something... lol

    i personally don't think the shakes are the "be all, end all."
    i mention them, but don't push them.
    would rather someone say no then buy it and return it.

    but i have always been a big believer in the multivitamins (not just the gnc ones because i work there) since i was a teenager, i have been interested in natural health. for most people, it is really hard to get all the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and enzymes needed from foods. due to farming practices and cooking techniques and basically the whole food supply chain in general.
  • LiliWray
    LiliWray Posts: 101 Member
    Can... Can I HUG YOU?!
    Or perhaps borrow you as my spokesperson??

    You and your attitude are part of the reason I still have any hope for humanity ♥
  • zrmac804
    zrmac804 Posts: 369 Member
    Reminds me of those parody ads for Powerthirst
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member
    I haven't gotten any of those PM's on here (yet...) but I kind of know what you're saying. It's sad when I have to block my own friends on FB because they kept pushing Herbalife.

    BTW you look amazing, I hope to one day be able to do the same pose as you!

    Thanks all! The pose actually isn't that hard. It's a breakdancing pose. Someone told me it's a yoga pose too. But I learned it breakdancing(i'm not a yoga person). It's really all about how you place your hands and where you are resting your bodyweight. Looks difficult but it's not. Seriously.

    Ok..I am like the breakdancing salesperson now..but yeah, if you want to learn the pose - go find someone to teach you breakdancing and then look all bada$$ in your pictures!

    I actually took a breakdancing class (not with ANY intention) of fitness. I just always wanted to learn. SO FUN. And your arms get RIPPED in breakdancing class! An awesome side effect.