"I don't have the money to be healthy..."



  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    I don't have the extra 50 or so dollars a month to go to the gym. I barely make it just paying rent and utilities. This is why, I saved money to buy my own elliptical. Kept tabs on garage sale groups on facebook, I got myself an elliptical, weights, and treadmill for 80 dollars total. Way cheaper, no wasted gas to go to the gym. This is the smart move, IMO.
  • Uuuhlexis
    Uuuhlexis Posts: 90 Member
    I don't have the extra 50 or so dollars a month to go to the gym. I barely make it just paying rent and utilities. This is why, I saved money to buy my own elliptical. Kept tabs on garage sale groups on facebook, I got myself an elliptical, weights, and treadmill for 80 dollars total. Way cheaper, no wasted gas to go to the gym. This is the smart move, IMO.

    nice work!!
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    I'm NOT saying I disagree with you at all, in fact, I completely agree.

    I am saying that maybe these things need to be taught to those who use excuses like this.

    Kind of like a college who has classes on time management for students who complain that they don't have time to do their homework.

    I definitely agree that it can be done, but sometimes the whole thought of changing your lifestyle and making room for other priorities can be overwhelming to some people. "People almost always live right within their means" (my husband never understands NFL stars filing bankruptcy, but this is why this statement is true).
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Or when they post that complaint to somplace like FB using their mobile device. So, you can't afford to eat healthy but you've got that data plan? WOOT!

    I find that if something is that important you'll make the time/find the money to do it. There is almost always someplace that you can skim money from (lowering cable/internet/phone package, skip a few movies a month, etc).
  • Rawr1978
    Rawr1978 Posts: 245 Member
    I watched a video last spring as a sub where this same comment was mentioned. The family complained that the dad (who was obviously overweight) had two medications he took that ate away a lot of the family's budget, so they had no choice but to eat out all the time because it was so much cheaper.... My thought was maybe if the man ate better and lost weight, me might be able to do away with the medications (not knowing what they were, I can't honestly say).

    I completely cut out meat early in the summer and can't say that what I am eating now is that expensive. Fruits and vegetables are actually pretty economical in my opinion! And I live on a budget, too!

    Then they complained that they worked all day and had two kids and there was no time to cook. I work and take nine hours in graduate school and cook on the weekends. It solves that problem pretty simply!

    I am a "class A whiner", but it works my last nerve, too, when people have excuses like this! I do pay $15/month to go to a gym, but right now can only go on the weekends--over the summer I went 3x/week--but have enough exercise DVDs at home where I can keep up w/o the gym all the time. And taking your dog for a walk around the neighborhood (or just yourself) is FREE! Plus the scenery and fresh air are probably worth the investment of time!

    Most of my family died before they were 50 of heart related issues; I presently am 52. And I don't plan on going any time soon, so it's worth it to me to get in shape and loose whatever weight I can! Period!

    Cutting out red meat and pork saved me TONS of money. The produce, however...i live in Canada. We're expensive for fresh foods. I cheap out and buy canned/frozen...i like canned peaches, cant stand fresh ones.
  • Uuuhlexis
    Uuuhlexis Posts: 90 Member

    Cutting out red meat and pork saved me TONS of money. The produce, however...i live in Canada. We're expensive for fresh foods. I cheap out and buy canned/frozen...i like canned peaches, cant stand fresh ones.

    I sprinkle frozen peas and carrots into EVERYTHING
  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member

    We're talking in the past tense, though. To many people, health is primarily about looks. I only meant to help shed some light on where people are coming from when they say that kind of thing.

    I completely understand and I get it. I was on the same boat....I made lots of excuses for years because I just wasn't ready. When I WAS finally ready, it was easy and moving the $$$$ from Starbucks to the gym and good shoes was an easy choice. I completely get it and your right..........still doesn't usually make those reasons anything more than excuse, kwim? ;)
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    you dont need a gym membership to exercise. Theres no excuse for not exercising. But the money thing...I can see how people cant afford healthy food. Grocerys are so expensive now, and it cost 5 times as much to buy healthy than junk. If its healthy food or my childs diapers which will I choose...hmm. Some weeks things are streched so tight I go without alot of healthy items till next pay day, and I do know how to budget and whats needed and whats not, adn trust me we dont have anything thats not needed, and before you say internet...that is pretty much a necessity now. Everythings electronic, online etc.

    Same here. I need the net for school--online college. I don't have anything fancy. My family pays bills and we buy most things second-hand since losing everything in a fire 2 years ago. We literally DON'T have the extra money for things.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I am very proud of what's in my shopping cart when I go to the grocery store. Then the total pops up on the register and I want to vomit. Even though I'm completely strapped and can't even take my kids on a vacation, I'm happy with the fact that they're eating healthy foods and are learning good habits for when they are living on their own (I hope!). I work out at home because I can't afford a gym membership for a few more months, and it's working for me.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    People who say that wouldn't workout if they did have a gym membership. They are the people the gyms count on for their livlihood. They don't want me there because I use the hell out of it.
  • hiker359
    hiker359 Posts: 577 Member
    I've always figured that if you don't have the money to be healthy, then god help you when you start having to deal with the expenses of not being healthy.
  • paint_it_black
    paint_it_black Posts: 208 Member
    Veggie's just AREN'T expensive. If you take a half an hour out of your day to cook instead of buying premade CRAP you save money and calories.
    Even those healthy dinners. Tiny portions, full of sodium. I can make something 15x better than that with about 20 minutes worth of effort.

    This! Real home cooked food from fresh and cheap ingredients is so much cheaper tastier and healthier than any processed food.
  • MonicaT1972
    Eating clean has cut my monthly grocery bill by 75%. It's surprising how quckly processed foods drive up your grocery bill.

    The "too expensive" excuse is literally a joke!!!
  • Uuuhlexis
    Uuuhlexis Posts: 90 Member
    I am very proud of what's in my shopping cart when I go to the grocery store. Then the total pops up on the register and I want to vomit. Even though I'm completely strapped and can't even take my kids on a vacation, I'm happy with the fact that they're eating healthy foods and are learning good habits for when they are living on their own (I hope!). I work out at home because I can't afford a gym membership for a few more months, and it's working for me.

    Good for you! Better to be a little tight now than to have to pay out the butt for medical bills later!
  • simplydelish2
    simplydelish2 Posts: 726 Member
    Well stated! To me that's just an excuse. Even when money is tight I've managed to maintain a healthy lifestyle. I exercise at home - walking is fabulous and FREE! And, even now while I don't have to squeeze every dollar, I spend about $100-120 per month on groceries (for one). Fresh veggies, fresh fruit, lean meats (and I eat a lot of meat). I keep a canister of protein powder in the cupboard for those times I either haven't made it to the market, or just need a really quick meal. I actually find that eating healthy is much cheaper!

    Thanks for your post!
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    Eating clean has cut my monthly grocery bill by 75%. It's surprising how quckly processed foods drive up your grocery bill.

    The "too expensive" excuse is literally a joke!!!

    What do you eat? Around here, fresh fruit and veggies ARE expensive.
  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    People who say that wouldn't workout if they did have a gym membership. They are the people the gyms count on for their livlihood. They don't want me there because I use the hell out of it.


    me too
  • Uuuhlexis
    Uuuhlexis Posts: 90 Member
    Veggie's just AREN'T expensive. If you take a half an hour out of your day to cook instead of buying premade CRAP you save money and calories.
    Even those healthy dinners. Tiny portions, full of sodium. I can make something 15x better than that with about 20 minutes worth of effort.

    This! Real home cooked food from fresh and cheap ingredients is so much cheaper tastier and healthier than any processed food.

    Seriously! You have no idea how often I'll splurge and go out to eat and wind up depressed because I could have made it better at home.
  • chrissy198727
    chrissy198727 Posts: 75 Member
    This. This. This. This.

    ESPECIALLY the "I don't have money for a gym." You have a body that can run, walk, and/or jog. You have a body that can be used for strength training.

    And MOST cities, large or small, have an ethnic market or a farmers market somewhere where healthy foods (produce specifically) can be found incredibly cheap.

    And yeah, I agree with you--is it worth it more to go out to that movie every week if you ultimately can't fit in the theater seat?

  • nangel4u
    A big pack of chicken breasts and a couple bags of frozen vegetables will go a lot further and be a lot healthier than anything off the Dollar Menu.

    Took the words right out of my mouth!!!!