
i really want to lose weight, but struggling with motivation. What do you do to get the motivation back to continue losing. One action I've done from now on is to log on here everyday for inspiration.


  • jazee11
    jazee11 Posts: 321
    Dedication and determination are what get me through. I don't seek inspiration or motivation. I don't always feel like it but I keep at it.
  • violet_papillon
    violet_papillon Posts: 26 Member
    I know what you mean! I'm feeling very unmotivated today as well.

    To motivate myself, I have a pair of jeans that are a size smaller than what I wear. Just thinking about fitting into them makes me feel like working out! :)

    For the really hard days, I think about how hard I've worked (this is when I look at my exercise diary or my 30 Day Shred calendar).

    Hope that helps! :)
  • every day that I try on a pair of pants that fit only 3-4 short months ago I get the motivation to keep going. that's all it takes. I have to be strong and keep at it, one day at a time. I know that the temporary satisfaction I would get from eating something that would derail me is shortlived and I'd much rather reach my goals!
  • That does help thanks. Do you weigh yourself or have someone weigh you, for accountability?
  • Ways that I stay motivated:
    Tracking my food and exercise here.
    Picking the brains of fit people for tips/advice.
    Talking with with friends/coworkers who are also trying to be healthy. (Love this!)
    Pinterest's health & fitness category.
    Couch To 5K iphone app.
    Silly little weightloss/exercise contests with coworkers.
    Setting fitness goals, and sharing them with others so I won't back out.
    Remembering why I'm doing this - to inspire my loved ones to be healthy.

    Hope this helps!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I wasn't motivated when I didn't want it bad enough. When you want it bad enough, you will do whatever it takes, for however long it takes. When you start and stop, it is hard and demotivating. I quit many times, because I wanted a quick fix, I wanted it to be easy and not take long. I don't want to start over again any more.
  • I write down the reasons why it is iomportant for me to lose weight (ex: back hurts, out of breath, wedding rinhs no longer fit, etc....) and carry that list with me everywhere. I re-read it when I no longer feel motivated.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    My best advice is that you don't sit around and wait to be motivated.
    Pick one small goal and work on that for a week. It might be to log everything you eat, whether its a good choice or not.
    Or to have a healthy breakfast every day for a week. Or to walk for 15 minutes every day.
    Those small habits build up into bigger achievements and it makes you feel good to be able to see that you are achieving positive things.
  • I think I have been looking for quick fixes and not been patient. Great advice from here, thanks.