newbe here and getting depressed...

:sad: Been on MFP for three week now lost some now gained four lbs getting depressed. I want to eat all the time but force water instead....
I don't want to eat the bad things or too much but the more depressed I get the more I want to eat, but don't..Help I need a kick in the pants or something...


  • chanixxx
    aw don't be depressed! be effing PROUD that your doing something! Nothing happens overnight (or in a month sometimes) but it will! Stick to it and here's your butt-kick :happy:
  • belladonna786
    belladonna786 Posts: 1,165 Member
    do not get down on yourself it makes things worse. Just pick yourself up and start again make conscious choices and move just a bit each day. It will start to drop you have to work at it though. if doing the same thing isnt working its time to change things up. DONT GIVE UP YOU CAN DO THIS!
  • I had a set back in the beginning. It's just your body adjusting, and if you're exercising regularly (I do minimum 30 minutes a day) you may be gaining muscle which is heavier. If you're eating better, and exercising, and not seeing weight loss at the scale, try measuring. That's where I've seen the most change.
  • Vanessadk0604
    IDK about you but when my "Lady friend" comes and visits i gain between 4-8 lbs in a week. Or it could be water weight. Sometimes it takes your body a few weeks to catch up with what your doing.

    DONT GIVE UP!!!! trust me!! it will be worth it. I've lost 31 lbs in about 6 months.

    Just remember the weight didnt go on in one day it wont come off in one either
  • oliv2065
    oliv2065 Posts: 204 Member
    I totally understand. I am a stress eater. Two month after I had my daughter, my exhusband and I split = 10lbs. We went through a long custody battle =30lbs. Four months after the divorce he kills himself = so many pounds I lost count. That was 6 yrs ago and I look in the mirror every day and still the the effects of it. I have lost a good 70lbs, 12 of is since I have been on here. But there have been serveral periods of gains inbetween the loses. I still have 70lbs to go so I am halfway there. But if I can do it so can you. And the fact that you are managing to eat everything in sight it amazing. Do you know what is causing the depression?
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    What kinds of foods are you eating? I'm going to say eat more fresh fruits and veggies, eat your protien. Quit eating processed foods and take out. Stop drinking pop and anything with sugar in it. What kinds of exercise are you getting? and not your daily routine, I'm talking over and above that?
  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member

    Have you seen this tread and checked to see if you are eating enough? As counter intuitive as it may seem Less is not more when it comes to weight loss. If you are not eating enough you will slow/stop your loss.

    Give me a shout out if you need help crunching the numbers.
  • joeherrera
    Dont force water you are probably gaining weight because your body is going into starvation mode and holding onto whatever calories that you are eating. I try and stay under my calorie value everyday but I do eat a decent amount of food and snack throughout the day to keep me going along with whatever supplements I am taking. Do not get upset one of the side effects of depression is weight gain so try and stay positive. i have times when I feel bad about my weight and I wanna binge eat because of it but I have alot riding on me losing weight so I have to try and stay positive. Eat when you are hungry pickles and pickled okra are great hunger killers with little calories. Also I have been ravenous the last few days and that is good my metabolism must be waking up again after its long slumber so I eat Del Monte brand 50 calorie fruit cups throughout the day when I get hungry. Are you working out cause that counter balances the amount of food you take in that way you can eat more throughout the day and still lose weight. Keep your head up!
  • RitaC21
    RitaC21 Posts: 29 Member
    no way...don't get scale goes up and down I finally decided not to beat myself up over it..I just say tomorrow is a new day and a chance to make better decisions...there can be so many factors why our bodies do this but just remember that you're a winner because your first step was to join MFP and have all of us as your backup cheerleading can do it !!
  • mela216r
    Many things can cause weight to fluctuate upward: hormonal changes, muscle development, water retention / too much sodium...not simply eating too much. STICK WITH IT!! If it's any of the above, you may see a sudden drop : ) Journal completely & honestly because it may well help you identify what's going on. In any case, making the mental shift is really important. If you are going for overall healthier lifestyle & body, you are ALREADY doing it & the weight will come into line naturally as a result. Don't let the scale dictate your mood; let your actions dictate your mood, & the scale will follow. Eat right, drink your water, get excercise. Simple!
  • JeanineCorbin
    JeanineCorbin Posts: 2 Member
    I am sorry that you are depressed. I am a newbe too. I just started with my food tracking and I hope this will help me to see why I am gaining instead of losing. I wish you a happier day tommarrow Jeanine
  • phatech
    Hi, I've been at this for two months, it's a slow process but you can do it. I have found that just getting up and doing any kind of exercise will help feel better and you can chart that in your exercise log which allows more food calories to be consumed. Please don't give in to that old depression, you can do this if you just stick with it.
  • Amy911Gray
    Amy911Gray Posts: 685 Member
    You are almost to the point of habit! Habit gets us moving around, logging in, making better choices, celebrating victories, consoling bad food days and scale slow days.

    We can do this. REALLY we can do this!
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    Here is how to do it right and never yoyo again. I have lost more than 8lbs in 50 days of pure fat (I'm watching BF%) and gained a little muscle. This may sound slow, but I am very close to my goal weight of 150 and BF of 22%. I'm 5'9.

    This is the only way to lose weight, feel good and avoid lowering your metabolism:

    Sleep at least 8 hours.

    Keep your carbs lowish (20-25%), as much protein as you can (very hard to overdo), and have a good amount of fat (mine is usually 40-45% of my calories) This will keep you full and satisfied. Your brain is made of fat. Many vitamins are fat soluble and cannot be absorbed without it. DIETARY FAT DOES NOT EQUAL BODY FAT. It is your friend.

    Work out, even if it is just a 20 minute walk, every day. Do strength training (lift weights) which will keep you toned, build/maintain muscle which keeps your metabolism up, and make your skin look tighter once you have lost the weight. This will also allow you more calories. Change things up so it isn't boring. I do 30 day shred videos, zumba, kickboxing, walk, take bike rides, lift weights, cardio at the gym, etc.

    Keep your NET calories to AT LEAST 1200 calories. Eat back your exercise calories (though be careful not to overestimate them). There is a reason that MFP adds them on to your goal cals. I aim for 1500, and I am losing just over a pound a week without ever feeling hungry. If you don't eat enough calories and enough protein, your muscle will get broken down for fuel. You WILL lose weight faster sometimes, but look and feel worse, and slow your metabolism which usually leads to yoyo dieting. It can also cause you to stall in your weight loss completely AND be unhappy.

    Eat the things you want just with smaller serving sizes, and only 1-2 a day that you fit into your day. Cutting all of the things you want, especially all at once, will just lead to feeling deprived and ultimately failing. I ate pizza for dinner one day and for breakfast the next morning. The breakfast was a mistake because I didn't have the protein to balance the carbs and was hungry well before lunch. Dinner was fantastic.

    NO GUILT. If you don't do so well one day, try to determine why, and move on. If it is stress eating, try meditation/yoga/cuddle with SO or pet etc. If it is lack of food options, work on planning lunches and bringing healthy snacks. If you were starving, look at your water intake, macros, and calories from the last two days and adjust

    Drink water! This will curb your hunger. If possible, drink a glass of water before you put ANYTHING in your mouth.

    Want a second helping or a snack? Wait 20 minutes. Drink a glass of water. Take a walk. Chew on gum. Brush your teeth. Still hungry? Eat.

    Do NOT go hungry. You will only binge at the next meal or the next day or next week when you fall off the wagon completely.

    Soup is low calorie, fast, cheap, and very filling. The other day, I had a protein shake for breakfast, a can of soup with an extra chicken breast for lunch, and took a walk. Then I had enough cals to have the pizza I wanted for dinner. I added the chicken breast to make sure that I wasn't starving when I got to the pizza otherwise I would eat too much of it. This also gave me enough protein.

    Listen to your body! For example, if your knee is acting up do low impact or upper body workouts such as swimming or punches. Take care of yourself, but don't use it as an excuse.

    To get a realistic goal for youself, and to determine your body composition, read this:
    Some of it will be a repeat of what I said, but still great info.

    Good luck!
  • rickydeuce717
    rickydeuce717 Posts: 12 Member
    you may be gaining muscle which is heavier.

    I like to point out the misconception to this idea. Muscle does not weigh more than fat. A pound is a pound, be it feathers or gold. Muscle is more dense than fat. Therefore you can store much more muscle in the same place.
  • rrumbolt
    rrumbolt Posts: 94 Member
    take a look a the before and after pictures on here, and that will change how you feel. we were all in that same boat (were) we made the big step and did not look back, and you can too..give it all you got and be proud of your accomplishments. i sure the hell am..
  • fruitloop2
    fruitloop2 Posts: 437 Member
    Keep your chin up and just take 1 day at a time. As so many people on here's not a race, it a life time marathon. Taking the weight off slow is better for you and easier for you to maintain in the long run. If you're working out, your body could be retaining water. Our bodies are a strange machine sometimes and the weight can fluctuate quite a bit. Don't get down on yourself and just keep going, you will soon see results either by the scale or the tape measure and then you'll feel so proud of yourself! If you (or anyone really) need support or a kick in the butt (Because I know I sure could use 1 from time to time when I'm slacking off), feel free to add me as a friend :smile:
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    :sad: Been on MFP for three week now lost some now gained four lbs getting depressed. I want to eat all the time but force water instead....
    I don't want to eat the bad things or too much but the more depressed I get the more I want to eat, but don't..Help I need a kick in the pants or something...

    Look around you at ALL these people who have lost weight. I've seen posts on here from people who lost 100s of pounds! If they (we) can do it, there is NO reason you can't. Don't get depressed and start telling yourself you are bad/ugly/gross/worthless. Tell yourself you ARE worth taking care of and that you can be better than you've been. :flowerforyou:
  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    When I started here, I cut my food right away, and did it well, then I started a walking program. I ended up gaining weight, and it took a month before I started losing. Then 6 weeks ago I had to stop walking and work on renovations and landscaping on my house - I work 4 to 6 hours a day doing heavy lifting and digging and constantly on my feet - I expected to lose faster [harder than walking, and many more hours a day] - but no, I stopped losing weight for a few weeks and am losing now at less intensity. But my arms and shoulder muscles are the most developed they have been in 30 years.

    Sometimes its more that weight loss that counts and your body keeps adjusting to changes in diet/routine and is full of surprises.
  • EnchantedEvening
    EnchantedEvening Posts: 671 Member

    A lot of people try to jump into the deep end of the pool and then freak out because they can't swim. Don't think about macros or TDEE or any of that stuff right now. Start out slowly with little changes.

    Here is what I did:

    -Reduced my calories by 200-400 per week until I got to the weight loss range. This ensured my system wouldn't go into shock once I suddenly reduced my intake by 1500 calories/day.

    -Stopped drinking regular soda and switched to diet. Eventually, I stopped drinking diet soda and moved to only water (sometimes I put lemon or cucumber in it) and green tea (iced). Now I don't even like soda.

    -Limited my fast food to once per week, then once every other week, then once per month. Now I only get fast food if it's the only option, and I try to pick healthy things on the menu (yogurt, chicken tenders w/o sauce, apple slices, etc)

    -Started walking for a half-hour every other day, then a half-hour every day, then 45 minutes every day, then an hour every day. It doesn't have to be all at once. Sometimes I walk for a half-hour during lunch and then a half-hour after dinner.

    By doing everything slowly and setting little goals, it was much easier to make everything a habit. I didn't feel hungry. I didn't feel tired. If my knee hurt, I slowed down or stopped for a couple days. You have to ease your body into this. I know it feels like do or die, but this is a lifestyle change. Don't rush it.

    Good luck. :)