Anyone follow Nourishing Traditions?

xenanoo Posts: 69
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
And still do well following this program?


  • im sensing the answer is no xD LOL
  • Hi. What's nourishing traditions?
  • OddSquid
    OddSquid Posts: 107 Member
    From what I can see so far about it, it claims that unprocessed or minimally processed foods are better (agreed) and that we should return to food preparation and preservation from more simpler times of the past (disagreed). And I disagree with the latter because while it may sound nostalgic to "return to the good ol' days," lifespans tended to be shorter for a reason. Sure, diet wasn't the only contributing factor, but it was a contributing factor.

    After all, "way back when," doctors were recommending certain brands of CIGARETTES as being healthier, smoother, etc. :laugh:

    We've learned much over the years so I personally would approach it with (pardon the pun) a grain of salt. Like any diet or nutrition program, nothing is perfect and all should generally be approached with a little bit of skepticism despite the credentials of the authors.
  • mdale2
    mdale2 Posts: 79
    If you're referring to Nourishing Traditions as published by the WAPF...then yes, I have tried a number of things it suggests.

    For one, soaking or sprouting grains as a means to reduce phytic acid is quite a bright thing to do to make the grains more digestable.
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