5k - need help



  • adietron
    To get better at running, go out and run :)

    Don't worry about speed or distance, just run for time. Start off REALLY slow, slower than you think, go for as long as you can, walk a minute or 2 and than run again. Keep that going for a set amount of time, say 10 mins. Each week add in more time. Running is a mental game, so if you can run for 10 mins, you can run for 12, run for 12 you can definatley do 14 mins, and so on.

    Once you can run for 30 mins, start to run for longer intervals and cut down on your walking. When you can run for 30 min without stopping, see what distnce that brings you too and start increasing your distance. Increase distance by no more than 10% each week. But keep your pace down so you feel that you can do it forever.

    Once you are comfortable with a 5k as your normal run, start training to increase pace...run intervals (sprints with recovery run) and tempo runs.

    Keep cross training, it helps with your endurance and speed. Weight trainig is great too it helps to strengthen your legs.

    There are many training schedules availible, just google them. I have heard great things about couch to 5k, but have not used it myself.

    There will be really great days of running when it is easy and you will have days where every mile is torture. Don't worry if you have a bad run ( or 2 or 3, lol) everyone has them.

    Most of all, get fitted for a good pair of running shoes.

    If you are on a treadmill, set the incline to 1%...0% is a slight downhill, 1% mimics road running surface.

    Fantastic advice. Bump for future reference.
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    When I first started running..I would run for a couple of minutes then walk one..etc...after a while you're able to run more and walk less, others have success with the Couch to 5K program.
    Good luck :)
  • danaweston
    1) slow down
    2) try run:walk intervals and build on that (i.e. run 2 minutes walk 1 minute for 30 minutes, increasing your run interval when it's comfortable)
    3) Couch to 5k is a great program to get you "5k ready"

    Sounds like your fitness level is great! Just be patient with running and it will get there :)

    I totally agree.. I trained this way for my first 5K. It took a while to be able to run the entire 5k distance on a treadmill first...slow and steady allowed it to happen concentrate on breathing. good luck and have fun
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    1. C25K
    2. run slow until you're comfortable running 5K
    3. get fitted for good shoes
    4. avoid heel strikes
    5. toes point out slightly (my ex was wrong about keeping them straight and has the ruined knees to show for it)
    6. breath in through your whole torso, not just your lungs--fill you stomach (diaphragm), too
    7. exhale each breath completely to avoid a stitch in your side
    8. experiment with the angle at which you hold your head to insure you make the most of your breathing
    9. relax and keep putting one foot in front of the other
    10. think pleasant thoughts :flowerforyou:

    C25K was new to me after laying off running for too many years. Everything else, I figured out during the years I ran while in the military. That said, everyone is different. As you keep at it, as long as you're careful not to hurt yourself, you'll figure out what works for you. Listen to your body and make adjustments as necessary. Run and enjoy!
  • p0kers0ph
    p0kers0ph Posts: 250 Member
    Definitely find a programme to follow so that you have a structure in place to get to your goal.
    I know I benefit and progress much better having a plan.

    Start off slow, your body will soon adapt to what you are asking it to do. It takes time, just make sure you are consistent.