30 day shred



  • kelly101386
    kelly101386 Posts: 389 Member
    I am doing 30ds on level 1 at atm and doing one day on one day off with Burn Fat, Boost Metabolism. It's wonderful.
  • so the OFFICIAL PLAN .... is to have a start date for sunday september 16 and to do the videos 2-3 days a week as your schedule allows .... for myself i will be starting on monday and doing mondays wednesdays and fridays. to reach our requirement of completing 30 video sessions we will be doing 3 weeks of level one 3 weeks of level 2 and 4 weeks of level 3. for those that are doing 2 days a week it will be 5 weeks of each level! though they wont be done as soon as the 3 days a week crowd the plan is to continue to motivate them and encourage them to finish! ..... weigh ins will begin THIS sunday so please pull out your weight scales and measuring tapes because we will be measuring out inches too! .... realize before we start that that you likely WILL NOT drop a TON of weight BUT you WILL shed remarkable inches if you stick to this! .....

    please post your measurements as follows each sunday!

    starting weight current weight
    starting arms current arms
    starting upper leg current upper leg
    starting hips current hips
    starting bust current bust
    starting girth current girth (the girth is going to be the largest part of your mis section, the muffin top)

    obviously for the first weigh in you will just have the starting section ..... im not planning to run this group as a if you fail you are out type of program we all have our faults and demons. dont give up and when you screw up just get back on the horse and start over .... if you dont eat well that day do the video anyways if you miss doing the video dont beat yourself up and eat like crap. we are all human and we all screw up sometimes but a failure is someone that gives up! none of us are failures we are all in this for the same reason to make that life style change that we need in our lives to live healthier lives. please continue to encourage all the people embarking on this 'adventure' to see it through to the end no matter how hard or long it may take.
  • Yep, you sure can watch them on youtube instead of having to go out and buy the dvd. I started last week along with zumba, kickboxing and walking.
  • nikic50
    nikic50 Posts: 209
    Ok, I'm in!! I did 30DS Level 3 for 30 days (5 days a week) - I lost 4 pounds & a total of 12 inches...it was AWESOME!! I haven't done the shred very consistently since then, but I would love to join this group...how do I keep this on my homepage to login each week??
  • nikic50
    nikic50 Posts: 209
    so the OFFICIAL PLAN .... is to have a start date for sunday september 16 and to do the videos 2-3 days a week as your schedule allows .... for myself i will be starting on monday and doing mondays wednesdays and fridays. to reach our requirement of completing 30 video sessions we will be doing 3 weeks of level one 3 weeks of level 2 and 4 weeks of level 3. for those that are doing 2 days a week it will be 5 weeks of each level! though they wont be done as soon as the 3 days a week crowd the plan is to continue to motivate them and encourage them to finish! ..... weigh ins will begin THIS sunday so please pull out your weight scales and measuring tapes because we will be measuring out inches too! .... realize before we start that that you likely WILL NOT drop a TON of weight BUT you WILL shed remarkable inches if you stick to this! .....

    please post your measurements as follows each sunday!

    starting weight current weight
    starting arms current arms
    starting upper leg current upper leg
    starting hips current hips
    starting bust current bust
    starting girth current girth (the girth is going to be the largest part of your mis section, the muffin top)

    obviously for the first weigh in you will just have the starting section ..... im not planning to run this group as a if you fail you are out type of program we all have our faults and demons. dont give up and when you screw up just get back on the horse and start over .... if you dont eat well that day do the video anyways if you miss doing the video dont beat yourself up and eat like crap. we are all human and we all screw up sometimes but a failure is someone that gives up! none of us are failures we are all in this for the same reason to make that life style change that we need in our lives to live healthier lives. please continue to encourage all the people embarking on this 'adventure' to see it through to the end no matter how hard or long it may take.
  • Loriapt
    Loriapt Posts: 14 Member
    Hi, I'm new here- What is the 30 day Shed? I'd be interested in anything that helps keep me moving and motivated. Lori
  • Loriapt
    Loriapt Posts: 14 Member
    I just read your offical plan. I like it....count me in. Since I'm new to My Fitness Pal - I'll have try and figure out how I get back to this group :)
  • That is a better idea...I get bored when i do 10 days continuous... best of luck!

    I'm already on level 2 day 3...so i guess ill keep continuing! cheers!
  • Hayaa79
    Hayaa79 Posts: 458 Member
    Hey will start once again i alwez quit in between :D
  • Loriapt
    Loriapt Posts: 14 Member
    I joined My Fitness Pal a few years ago but couldn't figure out some of the tools. I quit smoking Dec 2011 and I'm trying very hard to keep the weight off. I need these challenges to help keep me tracking and motivated. Thanks
  • I have been hearing so many great things about this program, that I am in the process of ordering on Amazon RIGHT NOW!!!

    You can watch them (at least level one) on youtube until you get it.
  • bowseramanda
    bowseramanda Posts: 58 Member
    Count me in! I will do dreaded "before" pictures and measurements!
  • running_shoe
    running_shoe Posts: 180 Member
    I would LOVE to join, but is there a way to watch the videos without having to pay for them, or no?

    I ordered it from amazon.com for $7. Totally cheap workout.
  • so i will make an official group ... add me as a friend and you will see when i create the group so you can all join that way it will be easier to find the challenge/group
  • Kat5343
    Kat5343 Posts: 451 Member
    I'm in...I have the shred with weights but I will do it along with all of you. When do we start??:happy:
  • I joined My Fitness Pal a few years ago but couldn't figure out some of the tools. I quit smoking Dec 2011 and I'm trying very hard to keep the weight off. I need these challenges to help keep me tracking and motivated. Thanks

    CONGRATS on quitting smoking :) I need to do the same!!!!
  • I'm in..
  • I would like to do this! I have done 2 days, but I didn't do it last night because my lower back was in a knot for some reason.

    It will kick your butt in 20 (+/-) minutes, that's for sure!

    So please count me in! :)
  • nettie23
    nettie23 Posts: 42 Member
    Count me in