back with a new profile and a new beginning!

Hello all! I had some trouble with my old account, and since I haven't been on it for a while, I decided to delete the profile and start everything fresh. With the help of this site, I lose 25 pounds last summer, but sadly I've gained that plus more back since then. I would like to at least lose 20 pounds again before this year is up, but whether I hit that goal or not doesn't matter because I'm going to take this one week at a time.

My names Heather, 22. I'm originally from Lima, Ohio, but currently living in Rogers City, MI. Everyone, Please feel free to send friend request!!! Especially if you're close by, or around my age! :D



  • juliebeesd
    Best of luck Heather! One day (or week (-:) at a time is the best way to go!