Why am I starving?!!!!

Today was my rest day. I am just finishing week 1 of Insanity. I woke up with my tummy growling loudly, and I have just felt constantly hungry all day long. I started off having my protein shake and banana. Then, I went right ahead and ate my lunch too (5 egg white omelet with onions and kale greens and whole grain toast) because I was super hungry and I figured I would just eat less later. Later I had a yogurt, and when I got home from work a little while ago (after only working half a shift), I was still starving. My stomach was seriously growling. So, I dug around in the fridge and found some leftovers and ate like two plate fulls of the families unhealthy take out food. Now, I'm sitting here and my stomach is STILL growling. What the heck?!! Why am I so hungry?

This isn't one of those mental, "I want to eat something because I'm bored" or feeling deprived or whatever. This is a case of actual tummy rumbling and loud audible growling.


  • celeste_xo
    how many calories a day are you eating?? it might be that you're not taking in enough calories to supplement all the calories you're burning off doing Insanity. open your diary so we can see :)
  • Pedal_Pusher
    Pedal_Pusher Posts: 1,166 Member
    I'd eat if I was hungry.
  • norcal_yogi
    norcal_yogi Posts: 675 Member
    all that Insanity exercise?

    ironically enough, i just posted this article i came across online from Time Magazine... might be somewhat relevant, might not.


    (just for the record, i am an avid exerciser and have been most of my life.)
  • BABetter1
    BABetter1 Posts: 618 Member
    Diary is public now. I bumped up my calorie goals when I started doing Insanity. Today, I didn't plan on eating quite as much since I am resting, but . . . . . .

    I'm also trying to sort out my macros, and I am trying to up my protein as well. I'm open to suggestions as to what I should be doing differently with my eating . . . .
  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    I have the same problem when I eat foods with a high glycemic index... like the banana first thing in the morning and the toast you had later. I try to stick to lower glycemic index choices first thing in the morning and mid-day so I don't get hungry faster during the day. Plus, I feel like protein shake and a banana will digest very quickly - I feel like having something more solid as my protein source first thing in the AM and a more fibrous fruit choice also helps. I like having eggs or an egg white omelette with a grapefruit or melon wedges. For lunch, I usually have something with chicken. I will need a small snack late in the day though if it's more than 5 hours between lunch and dinner.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    SO! Your stomach is "Growling", if THAT's YOUR indicator that YOU are hungry then You are in trouble. If you are hungry, say so but do not use your stomach as an indicator that it means someone/you are hungry. Also, if you ate that much and are STILL hungry, it can NOT be physical; "WE" need to STOP putting HUNGER and OVEREATING on PHYSICAL NEEDS. MOST hunger Starts Psychological and Emotionally! I say you are hungry because you just finished the first week of a very strenuous program, you've been eating right and you want to "reward" yourself on your day off. That's what your "Gut" is telling you...subconsciously! Next time on your day off and you have done well PLAN a Treat for Yourself and Save the grief...JUST PLAN Ahead!!!
  • MarincicS
    MarincicS Posts: 265 Member
    SO! Your stomach is "Growling", if THAT's YOUR indicator that YOU are hungry then You are in trouble. If you are hungry, say so but do not use your stomach as an indicator that it means someone/you are hungry. Also, if you ate that much and are STILL hungry, it can NOT be physical; "WE" need to STOP putting HUNGER and OVEREATING on PHYSICAL NEEDS. MOST hunger Starts Psychological and Emotionally! I say you are hungry because you just finished the first week of a very strenuous program, you've been eating right and you want to "reward" yourself on your day off. That's what your "Gut" is telling you...subconsciously! Next time on your day off and you have done well PLAN a Treat for Yourself and Save the grief...JUST PLAN Ahead!!!

    I agree with some of this, but since i have been eating healthy, counting calories and exercising regularly, i find that on some days, i am just really hungry! So i disagree that you are necessarily eating emotionally to "reward" yourself. Sometimes your body just needs something and keeps telling you that till it gets it. It might be some very specific nutrients, or you might just be really short of calories. What is listed on MFP and what we enter in our diaries are estimates only - heart rate monitors - same thing - estimated calorie burns only. Our general problem is that we have learned to suppress the information our bodies give us about what we need in favor of what advertising tells us we need. But now that you are learning to listen to your actual body, it is not the time to stop listening!!

    I would suggest making sure you've got something on hand for these times so you don't have to resort to the crappy leftover take out food. Make sure you've got fresh fruits and veggies, or nuts, some frozen veggies or lean meats around. I also keep some low sodium/low fat organic soups in the pantry for emergencies like this.

    But if you are generally learning to receive good information from your body and respond appropriately, don't stop now!!
  • BABetter1
    BABetter1 Posts: 618 Member
    SO! Your stomach is "Growling", if THAT's YOUR indicator that YOU are hungry then You are in trouble. If you are hungry, say so but do not use your stomach as an indicator that it means someone/you are hungry. Also, if you ate that much and are STILL hungry, it can NOT be physical; "WE" need to STOP putting HUNGER and OVEREATING on PHYSICAL NEEDS. MOST hunger Starts Psychological and Emotionally! I say you are hungry because you just finished the first week of a very strenuous program, you've been eating right and you want to "reward" yourself on your day off. That's what your "Gut" is telling you...subconsciously! Next time on your day off and you have done well PLAN a Treat for Yourself and Save the grief...JUST PLAN Ahead!!!

    I'm not sure I understand what you are saying. Yes, my stomach growls when I am physically HUNGRY. No, it does not growl when I am psychologically "needy". In fact, over the years, my stomach has had very few occasions to growl because I usually have fed the fat thing long before it actually ever gets hungry. So, I know the difference. Also, I do not reward myself with food. It's not part of my mind set or even an appealing idea to me. No, I'm not saying I never indulge in sweets or fattening foods. I do. But, I log it and move on. I'm just wondering if I need to change up my macros or if anyone else has experienced this or what?! You don't like my post? Move on. If I'm taking you wrong, my apologies. But, YOU seem to be giving me a lot of "grief", and I don't know why.
  • robertmc3000
    robertmc3000 Posts: 9 Member
    Find out how much water you should drink daily
  • PapaDunx
    I have loads of low GI stuff in my cupboard for days just like this.
    My favourite is Heinz (or similar) baked beans and something (normally pumpernickel toast). They fill me up and take away the hunger pangs big style.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    some on on here said you know your really hungry if you'll eat fruits and vegetables. If those don't sound good to you and only junk sounds good to you then you know youre eating for another reason.

    I thought that was great advice, and I try to remember that when I'm filling hungry.

    Of course like everyone else, first thing is to drink water then wait for 5-10-15 minutes and see if you are still craving. Maybe it's something else too tired, drained, upset.

    Night times are not easy that is my weakest time.
  • floridachikk
    floridachikk Posts: 41 Member
    Try calculating your calorie goal as 20% less than you TDEE. this has helped me tremendously as eating less (1400) made me Hungry and led to binges. I sometimes eat less than my goal, but that's ok because I'm listening for my body to tell me I'm full. But if my body says "hungry" I can still eat and lose weight.
  • BABetter1
    BABetter1 Posts: 618 Member
    Well, I usually drink about a gallon of water per day . . . . I didn't think about the glycemic index thing. But, I ate the huge egg white omelette basically at the same time or right after I finished the protein shake and banana. Still, that with the toast could have been enough to cause a spike I suppose.

    Does other peoples' stomachs growl when they AREN'T hungry? I've never heard of that, and I've certainly never experienced it. :huh:
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Stomach does NOT "Growl." As I said and someone else, Next time, PLAN Ahead.
  • painauxraisin
    painauxraisin Posts: 299 Member
    This happens to me too for no apparent reason. I just have days where I'm freaking hungry all day and others when I really don't eat much at all. Just have to go with the flow and try hard to resist! Easier said than done when you're a mere human.:happy:
  • floridachikk
    floridachikk Posts: 41 Member
    Well, I usually drink about a gallon of water per day . . . . I didn't think about the glycemic index thing. But, I ate the huge egg white omelette basically at the same time or right after I finished the protein shake and banana. Still, that with the toast could have been enough to cause a spike I suppose.

    Does other peoples' stomachs growl when they AREN'T hungry? I've never heard of that, and I've certainly never experienced it. :huh:

    My stomach has made noises before when something didn't agree with it, from gas or bloating. The body is a strange place sometimes.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    how many calories a day are you eating?? it might be that you're not taking in enough calories to supplement all the calories you're burning off doing Insanity. open your diary so we can see :)

    The Insanity workout would appear to be well-named.

    Exercise makes you hungry, I think I'll skip the intense stuff ... mmm, time for some eggs and bacon ...
  • KyliAnne26
    KyliAnne26 Posts: 209 Member
    I had this problem a lot at first and was extremely frustrated by always being so hungry (I'm not a very nice person when I'm hungry.... lol). I realized that I was consistently falling short on the amount of fat I was allowed to eat per day. I was eating everything low fat or non-fat - which makes sense that I was starving because fat is what helps you feel full! I now make a point to eat a bit of good fat at each meal (2 tbsp of peanut butter at breakfast, avacado slices with a salad, or full fat cottage cheese, etc....) After learning how to better balance and maintain my fat intake throughout the day I now easily avoid that constant hunger I was having. Not sure if this is your issue, but may be worth looking into!!
  • BABetter1
    BABetter1 Posts: 618 Member
    Stomach does NOT "Growl." As I said and someone else, Next time, PLAN Ahead.

    Okay, I don't know what country you're from. But where I am from, a "growling" tummy means you are hungry. It is a FIGURE OF SPEECH! You seem to think that I am attributing animal-like qualities to my stomach, and it clearly annoys you. It is a commonly used figure of speech here that refers to when you get so hungry that your stomach makes audible gurgly/growly noises. GET OVER IT. And, I have no idea why you keep telling me to "PLAN ahead". Plan for what??? All I'm talking about here is that I am unbelievably hungry today and don't know why! I'm wondering if anyone else has an idea WHY. That's all.
  • SamanthaH10
    SamanthaH10 Posts: 72 Member
    Well, I usually drink about a gallon of water per day . . . . I didn't think about the glycemic index thing. But, I ate the huge egg white omelette basically at the same time or right after I finished the protein shake and banana. Still, that with the toast could have been enough to cause a spike I suppose.

    Does other peoples' stomachs growl when they AREN'T hungry? I've never heard of that, and I've certainly never experienced it. :huh:

    Yes, mine does it frequently. It is not a strange occurence and it most certainly does not mean I'm hungry, especially if it does it after I eat. If I just fed my stomach, why would I still be hungry? Your head can manifest physical symptoms, so, yes, it most certainly could be psychological.