Anyone include exercise calories in allowance/HRM troubles

So after ongoing issues with my HRM cutting out mid work out I though i might up my intake overall and stop tracking exercise. Does anyone else go this way?

I burn 300-500 at the gym each time and go 3-5 times a week.
Planning to set calories at 1500 per day, too high? too low? thoughts?


  • Purple_Orchid_87
    Purple_Orchid_87 Posts: 517 Member
    im not a qualified medical person so cant really give you that kinda advice, but i find that if i dont NET 1200 then my body messes up - so if Im eating 1500cals but burning 500 im gonna be netting 1000 which would throw my body off, make me really hungry, and i know i start craving quick energy fixes (sugars)

    if you wanna lose 2lbs a week, i may suggest setting to -1lbs a week and then dont log your exercise as this would lead to losing more than the 1lb a week MFP calculates for you

    im a lot bigger than you, and 1 hr walking at 3mph burns about 450-550cals for me, but i am near 300lbs and in no way fit and healthy
  • daisydog101
    daisydog101 Posts: 81 Member
  • daisydog101
    daisydog101 Posts: 81 Member
    Anyone else?
  • likemeinvisible
    If you know you're burn for a certain workout than it's gonna be the same, you don't have to measure it every time. There won't be much of a difference. You can still benefit from wearing it to do work that improves your fitness, staying in a higher zone or making sure you are not working too hard or too little.