Bad month.... How do you deal?

Hello.... So my month has been pretty crappy so far... Definitely the worst since May when I started on this journey. I'm hovering up and down 1 lb from where I was at the start of the month and I've had so much on the go in my personal life that I'm just not as motivated as I was! My grandpa was diagnosed with cancer and some custody issues with my partners children have me super stressed.... And when I'm stressed I eat! I havent given in as much as I have in the past and I'm still exercising somewhat decently.

Anyways the point of this long rant is how do you stay on track and perhaps even use these times as motivation to achieve your goal?


  • lizarene3
    lizarene3 Posts: 46 Member
    I don't have any good advice, except to say, you are human and you will do it, it just may take some time. My father in law had a heart attack in May and was in and out of the hospital, two surgeries, crazy times. I had done really well from Feb until then, once all of that happened it took me about 3 months to get motivated and back on track. It can be done, I just had a 2.5 to 3 month break, gained a couple of pounds back, but now I'm trying really hard again, so if I can get back on track you can too! Just don't be too hard on yourself, stress is a killer and you are only human!!! Hugs!!
  • tifalva
    tifalva Posts: 220 Member
    I'm going through something similar, so advice for me is welcome as well. I have stress upon stress upon stress. Guess the best thing we can do is keep moving no matter what, try to be as healthy in our food choices as we can and deal with whatever emotional stuff is going on. There is a reason we chose to use food as an emotional outlet, need to find a way to replace the food with something else without calories :)
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    Exercise and punish yourself till understand that if you don't want to eat right you'll have to work 2x as hard to lose weight.
  • Exercise and punish yourself till understand that if you don't want to eat right you'll have to work 2x as hard to lose weight.

    Yeah I do understand that. I have actually done not THAT badly. The worst day I had in the last two weeks I ate almost 2300 calories but also did a 5km mud obstacle course that day so my net shouldn't have been horrible.

    I guess I am more wondering about how to find new methods to deal instead of eat. i don't have the time to exercise ALL the times I am feeling overwhelmed although I do exercise most days and pretty much I am just not letting myself have the stuff I am craving.

    I know some people use breathing techniques, maybe writing down goals about about why I am doint this and why I want to succeed. I don't know.... .just more looking for what other people that are emotional eaters have done. I have also heard to give in but do so with an apple or something.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I have a little sit down with myself and try as best as I can to explain the actual situation. Not the over emotional, sensitive, painful situation, just the -seen from space- situation.

    Then I say to myself, unless you are still trying your hardest to improve yourself, a little more every day, then how can you expect your situation to improve. I have to keep getting better at life... so I can be better at what life will throw at me next.

    When its too hard, I mean really honestly too hard to carry on my shoulders, I roll a spliff and run for two hours and get all my daily calories from alcohol. After two or three days of that, I will go back to dealing with it in a healthy manner, and then exercise like crazy again and repress that sht deep deep down until it explodes in bursts of violence and alcoholism.
  • stardancer7
    stardancer7 Posts: 276 Member
    When I allowed myself to face and deal with my stress and emotions, it was easier to avoid using food as medication. (Let's just say I've been to five funerals since last November and there will be a sixth within the next year.) Continue to take good care of your health and forgive yourself for anything you think of as a slip up. When we don't change our direction, we get to where we're going.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    All I hear lately is people bragging about how many funerals they have already attended in 2012. I dont see how this score makes anyone on either side of the conversation feel any better.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Just for the record, since everyone is keeping score, my friend has 13 racked up for 2012 and 7 were in August, including her husband.
  • Just for the record, since everyone is keeping score, my friend has 13 racked up for 2012 and 7 were in August, including her husband.

    Crazy! My grandpa is terminal but it sounds like he still has until at least Christmas the doctors said. Its is just crazy stress on the family and between that and concerns that my partners ex is using drugs and neglecting the kids has started a legal battle that isn't going to be fun either. Its just a lot at once!