Obsessing over the scale



  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    I weigh in once every two or three months and the result is always encouraging.
  • addaline22
    I have to keep my self to once a week, in the am after the restroom. just the undies on. If not I get really unhealthy and obsessed and will sabotage myself. no good. every sunday morning is what I try.
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    I would weigh no more than one time a week at about the same time and day. Better yet, once a month. It's awfully easy to obsess over the scales. I think we all go through that. At least all women. And it's a habit that's hard to break. But weight fluctuates so very much that to get a true picture, you need to give yourself some time. Weighing daily is very discouraging and depressing. So it's best to avoid it.
  • brunchwithamber
    I usually weigh once or twice a week, first thing in the morning after I empty my bladder.

    I've read though that people who weigh every day are usually more successful at weight loss because they constantly know how much they're fluctating. Again, I just read this in an article somewhere. I don't know from experience.
  • melb2003
    I would weigh in once per week with very consistent circumstances. For example, in the AM after you use the restroom and with no clothing on. I would do this consistently.

    You will do yourself a favor to limit your weigh-ins based on what you've just posted.

    This! But I'll add one more thing, based on your diary, you don't track your sodium. MANY things that might be low in calories/fat and a crazy amount of sodium in them, which then causes you to retain water. Go to your food diary settings and adjust it to track your sodium in addition to everything you have on there. I was losing for a couple weeks and then plateauing for a few weeks, I went back on my diary and learned that I was eating almost double the recommended amount of sodium in the weeks I was plateauing.

    I hope the comments on here help! Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • peter236uk
    peter236uk Posts: 140 Member
    Monday morning naked its very tempting to try it earlier but stick with once a week think that is a good idea.
  • hausofnichele
    hausofnichele Posts: 531 Member
    I just looked at your diary to check your water intake and you could REALLY use more water!!! I started at 357, so I feel for you.

    8 glasses a day is something for people with a normal weight range. Us big folks need a whole lot more to keep our bodies hydrated and functioning properly. You should try to increase your water intake slowly until you can at least get in about 16 glasses per day. Drinking water will also help flush out your body and help it let go of the water weight that it may be holding on to.

    And definitely watch your sodium!!!
  • sbbc09
    One thing I find helpful is to take the batteries out if it's battery operated. Take them out again after weighing yourself (might have to step on a scale a few times to re-calibrate it). It's too annoying to do that every day, so it keeps me at once a week.
  • atxdee
    atxdee Posts: 613 Member
    I know its easier said then done, but you get to a point where you just stop caring bout the numbers.. it will happen! :)
  • yowza101
    yowza101 Posts: 196 Member
    I weigh myself every other week when I go to my doctors to get my allergy and asthma shots. But before then, it would be once a month. I generally go by my clothes and not what the scale says. Sometimes it could be weeks before it shows a drop in pounds but my clothes will tell a different story.

    Keep up the good work and don't get discourage and don't do more then what your body is telling. Please stop taking the laxatives, unless it's a constipation issue. Do you drink a lot of water during the day? I know that helps me and I try to remember to drink water before a meal, that fills me up faster.

    Just remember water weight is a factor as well when we weigh ourselves. The point is not giving up and look at the long term goal. I finally lost 10 pounds after 3 months of taking losing weight seriously and working out. I had to build up exercising because of my arthritic knees, even now I can't do a straight hour of working out. So I work 15-30 minutes in the morning, walk during lunch and then do 15-30 in the evening. If it's a good evening, then I try to do 45 minutes. This is a journey and all journeys have lots of valleys and peaks. We just have to stay on the path of working out and eating right. Is it hard..some days but I look forward to the outcome. I'm going to send you a friend request, would love to a part of your journey.
  • lalalyn12
    lalalyn12 Posts: 80 Member
    That was a good tip of doubling the water intake , I think I shall try that, I have just started drinking water a few weeks ago, before it will nothing but pop and juice...But Maybe I can drink 1 bottle of water an hour, and do that for the next week to see what happens. Thanks again for all the advice everyone
  • tnjackso1
    tnjackso1 Posts: 312 Member
    I'm on a personal scale challenge and it has helped me to push even the more... I've challenged myself not to weigh in but once a month! I too was obsessed with the scale and experienced disaapointment, frustration, and etc. because of the scale. The personal challenge has pushed me to walk more, spin more, and drink the water because I'm looking for great results on my weigh in day.

    Remember the scale does not control you and to stay encouraged for in do time you shall see all your hardwork rather in inches, how your clothes fit, or even in your strength and endurance level, but in time you shall see!
  • lalalyn12
    lalalyn12 Posts: 80 Member
    I usually weigh once or twice a week, first thing in the morning after I empty my bladder.

    I've read though that people who weigh every day are usually more successful at weight loss because they constantly know how much they're fluctating. Again, I just read this in an article somewhere. I don't know from experience.

    I did hear that to, and I think its because they are keeping a closer eye on their weight, now if I had reached goal then yes I would look at the scale daily, just so I can keep attract of if i gained or loss somemore, but for me in the past I would get discouraged if it do not move after a few days
  • lalalyn12
    lalalyn12 Posts: 80 Member
    I weigh myself every other week when I go to my doctors to get my allergy and asthma shots. But before then, it would be once a month. I generally go by my clothes and not what the scale says. Sometimes it could be weeks before it shows a drop in pounds but my clothes will tell a different story.

    Keep up the good work and don't get discourage and don't do more then what your body is telling. Please stop taking the laxatives, unless it's a constipation issue. Do you drink a lot of water during the day? I know that helps me and I try to remember to drink water before a meal, that fills me up faster.

    Just remember water weight is a factor as well when we weigh ourselves. The point is not giving up and look at the long term goal. I finally lost 10 pounds after 3 months of taking losing weight seriously and working out. I had to build up exercising because of my arthritic knees, even now I can't do a straight hour of working out. So I work 15-30 minutes in the morning, walk during lunch and then do 15-30 in the evening. If it's a good evening, then I try to do 45 minutes. This is a journey and all journeys have lots of valleys and peaks. We just have to stay on the path of working out and eating right. Is it hard..some days but I look forward to the outcome. I'm going to send you a friend request, would love to a part of your journey.

    Yes yes
  • lalalyn12
    lalalyn12 Posts: 80 Member
    I'm on a personal scale challenge and it has helped me to push even the more... I've challenged myself not to weigh in but once a month! I too was obsessed with the scale and experienced disaapointment, frustration, and etc. because of the scale. The personal challenge has pushed me to walk more, spin more, and drink the water because I'm looking for great results on my weigh in day.

    Remember the scale does not control you and to stay encouraged for in do time you shall see all your hardwork rather in inches, how your clothes fit, or even in your strength and endurance level, but in time you shall see!

    Thanks for the advice, and you look great. That is a good challenge, cause its like you put in the work and then you anticipate the weigh in to see the pay off....might have to consider that
  • Themuseinme
    Themuseinme Posts: 224 Member
    You wil lose alot at the beginning so I would weigh yourself 2x a week for now as it will inspire you,But no more than 2x.As there will be toomany flucuations from constipation and water weight,

    When it slows down, start weighing 1 x a week until you reach your goal.

    Then everyday to maintain it.:happy:
  • allisonmrn
    allisonmrn Posts: 721 Member