New here :)

Hi I'm new to this site and I'm 18 in high school and will be going to college next year and before it starts and I want to try and loose around 50-70 pounds, to be my ideal weight for my height and age.
Are there any tips for trying to loose weight while being in school? I love sports but team sports aren't my thing since I'm self conscious.
I don't have very many friends to be active with either so I guess most of my workouts have to come from me just walking alone or with my dog, I don't have a car so I can't go to a gym either.
Do you think its possible to accomplish that much in only about a year?


  • Hi there. Well, you have made a great start by joining my fitness pal, just logging your food everyday conistently and accurately is a great tool to keep you on track. It is definitely possible to lose 50-70 pounds in one year - I lost 60 pounds in 7 months. I was very committed, walked nearly everyday, and was very strict on keeping junk food out of my diet. One thing I found helpful is climbing the stadium stairs during my lunch break. I work at a University and they had a field stadium that was used by many people for working out. I started out slowly and built myself up because it is actually a difficult workout. Being a single mom with a full-time job and going to school can make my schedule quite hectic, but I proved to msyelf that it is still possible to make healthy choices and stay committed to taking care of myself. I also have co-workers who I partner with and we have discussions about how we did, how we stayed motivated, and what we have overcome. Finding a weightloss buddy can be really helpful. I wish you lots of luck and commitment on your journey because the rewards are amazing and you know you deserve it!
  • Hi! I'm new here also, but fighting the same battle as you. I think it is totally possible for you to drop that kind of weight before going off to college. I lost 40 during the summer before college -- unfortunatley stress and quitting smoking have helped me to re-gain that weight (and more) now that I'm in my 30s. You have your age on your side -- that's a big factor. Also -- I might suggest purcahsing a step-aerobics kit (a good one is $80 or $90) it doesn't take up much room, and you can use it at home without any added cost. I love mine because it doubles as a place to get cardio exercise, and also as platform for doing strength-training. Good luck :-)
  • Getting rid of the junk food makes such a differece, doesn't it? That is the biggest struggle for me, but I know I have to do it to make this happen. And thanks for the idea about stair-climbing at a stadium. I live in a college town, so that's a really great workout idea!
  • twilightlvr79
    twilightlvr79 Posts: 130 Member
    Welcome to MFP! Hopefully you will love it here as much as I do! Anyone who is interested is more than welcome to add me as a friend I am on here every single day.