How to lose water weight in 1.5 days?

I need to lose a lot of water weight. I don't care how much. I need to lose it.
Someone told me I can lose it by drinking a lot of water and by exercising and avoiding carbs?

Any tips. Healthy or not. I need to make a weight for ballet.


  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    drink TONS of water all day today and avoid salt.

    Unless you are talking about losing a lot of weight, I would forgo the exercise today.

    Tomorrow, don't eat or drink until you weigh in.

    How much weight are you talking about? How do you know it's water weight?
  • itsuki
    itsuki Posts: 520 Member
    Exercise can make the body hold on to water (to repair muscles, I think?). The best way to lose water weight is to drink a lot of water throughout the day and avoid sodium.
  • EmCeeKayla
    EmCeeKayla Posts: 53 Member
    I need to lose any amount I can lose.
    I'm on the edge of too heavy for my weigh in. I'm EXTREMELY short and I weigh 109 pounds. I just need to honestly stabilize this.
    I know I probably have a lot of water weight because I consume a TON of sodium. I'm also just really bloated in general from my TOM.
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Take a hot Epsom salt bath and sleep in sweats the night before.. no water the day of... that'll drop 5-6 lbs.
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    but water weight comes back.. so....
  • Pedal_Pusher
    Pedal_Pusher Posts: 1,166 Member
    Make weight for ballet? Seriously? You already look great.
  • PisceanDream224
    ~ Drink more than 8 glasses of water every day til WI
    ~ Avoid sodium
    ~ Eat plenty of veggies / some fruits
    ~ Keep eating protein
    ~ Try drinking a smoothie (all natural)
    ~ Exercise, but keep it light
    ~ Stretch for at least 5-10 minutes after exercise
    ~ Get rid of fluids prior to WI
    ~ Wait to eat (if WI is in the morning) until after WI

    Good luck!! :)
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    yeah, don't eat any salt that you can avoid and drink a lot of water, but cut yourself off at bedtime. This is gross, but you should be peeing clear by this afternoon.

    If you exercise regularly, you can do some light cardio to sweat, but I wouldn't do any resistance training at all. If you don't exercise regularly, I would probably skip the exercise altogether.
  • cherylf145
    You can find great and healthy things to put in your water that are natural and will quicken weight loss due to water weight and some are also a natural detox. They can speed things up in a healthy way.. Again.. surf for some ideas, but only go by the ones with natural ingrediants.

    Here is just one example I tried and really liked:

    To boost weight loss - 2L water, 1 medium cucumber, 1 lemon, 10-12 mint leaves. steep overnight in fridge and drink every day. Also great for general detox--including clear skin!

    You look fantastic by the way.. can't believe you have to lose that for ballet?
  • EmCeeKayla
    EmCeeKayla Posts: 53 Member
    Make weight for ballet? Seriously? You already look great.

    Hah thankss. just.. right now I'm really bloated and I've been pigging out!
  • EmCeeKayla
    EmCeeKayla Posts: 53 Member
    You can find great and healthy things to put in your water that are natural and will weight loss and natural detox and speed things up in a healthy way.. Again.. surf for some ideas, but only go by the ones with natural ingrediants.

    Here is just one example I tried and really liked:

    To boost weight loss - 2L water, 1 medium cucumber, 1 lemon, 10-12 mint leaves. steep overnight in fridge and drink every day. Also great for general detox--including clear skin!

    You look fantastic by the way.. can't believe you have to lose that for ballet?

    Thanks. and Yeah my instructor prefers us to have a BMI of under 20. 109 pounds puts me at 19.9. I'm like in the dangerzone for that.
  • mcrowe1016
    mcrowe1016 Posts: 647 Member
    Go for an hour long walk wearing a lot of clothes to sweat out some extra water the morning of the weigh in (but be very careful do not get too dehydrated)
  • Kjngrrl
    Kjngrrl Posts: 53 Member
    Try some Senna Tea as well (or "Dieter's Tea) -- will help empty your intestines and pulls water along with it. Add Lemon juice, pure cranberry and dandelion root tea to your water too.
  • sarahharmintx
    sarahharmintx Posts: 868 Member
    I went on a cruise and had WAY too much sodium. I upped my water to 14-16 cups a day and I lost 3ish pounds of water weight in the last 3 days.
  • sarahharmintx
    sarahharmintx Posts: 868 Member
    Try some Senna Tea as well (or "Dieter's Tea) -- will help empty your intestines and pulls water along with it. Add Lemon juice, pure cranberry and dandelion root tea to your water too.
    FYI- stay near a bathroom though. That stuff is powerful but can be painfull. Also make sure to steep it a long time.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    I went from eating primarily processed foods to eating all raw, home-made, super healthy foods in the beginning of July. I did it cold-turkey. In the first week, I lost 10 lbs of water weight.

    I didn't eat any less (Well, I might have, but I was eating a healthy amount), still ate lots of carbs, but nothing came out of a box. The only pre-made stuff I ate was gluten-free bread.

    I lost another 7 lbs by the end of July.
  • PayneAS
    PayneAS Posts: 669 Member
    Zero sodium
    more potassium
    no exercise
    tons of water
  • kssmith515
    kssmith515 Posts: 2 Member
    OTC water pill. Diurex, I think. It's just caffeine but it will make you pee off a lot of water.
  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
    I need to lose a lot of water weight. I don't care how much. I need to lose it.
    Someone told me I can lose it by drinking a lot of water and by exercising and avoiding carbs?

    Any tips. Healthy or not. I need to make a weight for ballet.

    Not going to lie... that's concerning you don't care if it's healthy or not....

    Do a kidney detox and drink a lot of water, avoid salt...
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    Just do it like any other sport.

    1. Caffeine.. or other diuretic makes you piss out water.
    2. alcohol.. dehydrates you. go drinking the night before.
    3. if you're still borderline after you wake up, make a sauna.. hot shower in a small closed off bathroom, and sweat it out.
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