MFP changed my caloric gaol after my last weigh in...

Ok so, last week I weighed in and MFP changed my caloric goal from 1560 to 1470. Not that big of a difference right. Well, it has been a week now and I have gained 1lb. I know that many people will say that is not a lot but when you are trying to lose lbs. it seems like a trend to more lbs. I have not changed anything about my routine. Is it possible that my defecit is too low to lose weight. I have proceeded to change my calorie goal back to what it was becuz it was working for me. What are your thoughts?

SW- 240
PW before goal change- 222.6
Ht- 5.8

I workout 5-6 days a week, one day off
average 500 cal. workout a day