Dealing with Constant Hunger....Hard to Stay Positive

I am just 1lb from my goal weight now, I had just 10 to loose but it took me 5 months of hard work to get to where I am now! The problem is I feel so hungry all the time. I literally can’t stop thinking about food and I am hungry every couple of hours. I have always had a big appetite but the smaller I become the harder has become gets to resist temptation of eating everything in sight. My calorie goal is 1350 cals a day, and I generally burn 300-400 per day in exercise which I also eat back but I’m still hungry for more.

Can anyone give me some advice/share their experiences on this? My BMI is 20.1 so I’m not underweight, and I’m quite happy with my shape right now but I think longer term maintenance is going to be difficult with this “food frenzy” hunger!! I'm terrified of failing after working so hard to becoming a fitter, healthier and happier me.

Thanks is advance