Want to be a hott mama by summer time!!

fowlmeli1093 Posts: 199
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
My name is Mel. I am 25 years old and have two kids. Last January I had my second baby. I was 265 lbs the day I had him and got down to 170 lbs pretty fast by diet and exercising by July. Now it is December and I have gained about 10 lbs back and REFUSE TO GAIN ANYMORE! I just signed up on this site today and I am determined to lose 20 lbs by June! My profile picture is recent- my sister and I had went to a department store and tried on the most hideous outfitts we could find in the store and took pictures...this one will serve me well as I attempt to lose the rest of this weight!! I AM DETERMINED TO BE A MILF BY THIS SUMMER...LOL!


  • My story kinda the same. 26 w/2 daughters. Had my youngest in April. Before I got prego w/her I was doing really good and lost 30 pounds. Well have gained that 30 I lost plus another 30 :( I really need to lose this weight. Good luck to u
  • LOL I love your story! I have two kids as well and I am 24. I have a 6 year old girl and a 4 year old son. I was very slim even after I had my daughter. I was 140lbs when I went in to have her and the day after I had her and was able to go home I weighed 125lbs. Shortly after I went back down to 108lbs. When I was prego with my son 3 months into it I was hurt by someone and had my hip broken and put on bed rest for the rest of the pregnancy. The day I went in to have him I was at 163lbs. I wasn't able to lose any weight and ended up gain. My top weight was 165lbs. 4 years later after many yo-yo diets I am taking charge of my life and getting back into my fighting weight!:laugh:

    I joined the fab fours which is going amazing!

    It would be great to help motivate each other to me lil hot mama's by summer! Up for the challenge!!!!
  • Your skinny as hell..lol..I don't think you need to lose any weight! Lol...I wish I had your figure!
  • cryslynn1980
    cryslynn1980 Posts: 111 Member
    :tongue: GIRL...meee tooo! you can do it! I am trying hard.
  • My goal is to be at my goal by June. I had my daughter this past June and I HAVE to be back in shape by then. A year is enough! If you guys start a group I wanna join! Good luck to you!
  • Nmama
    Nmama Posts: 191 Member
    There needs to be a Mama's fighting baby weight' group. lol after my 1st I got down to 150 (130 pre pregnancy) I was on bedrest for her and just gained. Ate not so good things out of the boredom. Then I got preg with #2 and eventually got to 160, then got preg wtih #3, and just BLEW up! Highest weight ever was 188. :sad: Never in my life did I think Id be up there. I am now 175, and working my *kitten* off to be 140 (better if 135). Welcome to MFP. You'll love it!
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