Back for I dunno how many times.....

CaptainJim157 Posts: 390
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey, it's me again, lol

I always start to do this, but then my ADD kicks in :ohwell: , so this is probably about my 5th or 6th time doing this... I have been exercising about 30-60 minutes (walks) at least a couple times a week, I know, that's not that much,... Gah! I feel like I can never do this 'cause everytime I try, I get distracted and give up. I need to do this though for my health, I have a couple disabilities, (Tourettes, ADD?, Anxiety Disorder, OCD) so I really think that doing this and being a healthy weight might even help me disorders what do you think? if anyone wants to add me as a friend, please, I would be very greatful! I wanted someone that I can chat with and help me out, (and I'd help them too) anyways, I have to go for now, but please let me know :)


  • Hey again, I just went for a walk (15 minutes or so) because I was feeling blah,.. Well, I feel quite good after that walk,. My goal for now is 30 minutes a day (just for this week to see how it goes) then I'm going to change it to 60 minutes a day like my doctor said I should do. ^_^
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