Do you get mad or happy when people get your weight wrong?



  • My neighbors would say I've lost weight every single time I saw them, when I wasn't even trying, and I didn't lose any weight, but gained. it was really frustrating for awhile, but now I don't even let it bother me. This is about me, if people say I look great, well, that's awesome. If they want to say bad things about my weight, that's their problem to deal with, not mine. This is all about me, and how I feel about myself, not about how anyone else at all feels about me.
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    I don't think it is anyone's business what I weigh. To me it is like asking income stats. People that start guessing weight without being specifically asked to do so have no class in my opinion.
  • chunkydunk714
    chunkydunk714 Posts: 784 Member
    If its under I totally take it as a compliment....Now tell me i look 40 pounds MORE...we gotsa' problem ;)
  • OfficiallySexyVal
    OfficiallySexyVal Posts: 492 Member
    Lately I have had tons of people asking me how much I weigh. When I tell them that I would rather not say they start guessing "go figure"! I am right now 263 and the average guess is 230 to 235, yes this makes me happy but than it also makes me depressed afterwards because I really wish I did weigh that! Well, in due time! I am just happy they don't guess higher than my weight!!!
  • Neither.... I've seen girls (and guys) my size who weigh the same and look completely different. So it doesn't really mean anything.... to me anyway.

    This sentiment exactly.
    In addition - everyone's mental 'picture' of a certain weight is different.
    If the person is giving you a compliment - it really shouldn't matter if they are guessing your weight above or below your actual... they are praising you in some fashion. Say 'thanks'. :)
  • ShallaLovee
    ShallaLovee Posts: 341 Member
    LOL, I would be like really wow thanks dad ahaha.

    I went to get a check up a few weeks ago and the lady actually got my weight wrong I weigh 203 but she put me on there as 208. The thing was I had on my clothes,shoes and all. Usually they take off for clothes or whatever and it didn't hit me until a couple of days later. So anyways I was mind bottled like WHAT! I gained friggin 5 pounds?! All I remember saying is 208? 208? 208? in my head for days. I had my mom check my weight for me and it was 203 and I'm like okay I was all hot headed for nothing.
  • sexikc
    sexikc Posts: 153 Member
    I would be offended if the guessed higher (doesnt happen really)...but lower no I would be happy.
  • runnermama81
    runnermama81 Posts: 388 Member
    "You look good...for having a baby!" comments that I hear all the time.

    I hate that too!!!! Why don't they just quit while they're ahead and not add the "for having a baby" on there.
  • Erienneb
    Erienneb Posts: 592 Member
    When people guess my weight they always guess waaaaaaaaaaay low and then I feel a little better aout myself that I don't look like I weigh 307 lbs. Then I look at pictures of myself and wonder if they're just being nice and underguessing on purpose and I get all upset haha. Vicious cycle.
  • Briko3
    Briko3 Posts: 266 Member
    Last night I was walking to the shower in my bathtowel and my dad said, "Hey skinny!". Of course I'm praising myself in my head, "woo!" Then he asked, "What are you now, 140?" Stopped me in my tracks, that's almost 40 pounds iighter than what I am now. I corrected him and he just didn't believe me. Bugged me the rest of the night, glad he didnt overestimate, but still...

    Anyone else go through something like this? Did you get upset, or happy with yourself for someone getting it wrong?

    It bothers me, too. The reason is I know what my weight loss goals are and am excited when I reach one. Kind of steals your thunder when someone thinks you're less than you are, because somehow it minimizes what you have left. It's hard to put in to words, but that's how I feel. For example, if someone said you were 10 pounds less than you were, it's like the next 10 pounds you lose are less impressive.
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    Last night I was walking to the shower in my bathtowel and my dad said, "Hey skinny!". Of course I'm praising myself in my head, "woo!" Then he asked, "What are you now, 140?" Stopped me in my tracks, that's almost 40 pounds iighter than what I am now. I corrected him and he just didn't believe me. Bugged me the rest of the night, glad he didnt overestimate, but still...

    Anyone else go through something like this? Did you get upset, or happy with yourself for someone getting it wrong?

    Your dad should know by now that you never, ever, try to guess a woman's weight. There's no right answer, ever.
  • maricash
    maricash Posts: 280 Member
    It doesn't bother me either way. Most people (myself included) are terrible at guessing people's weight and people can look very different at the same weight, even when they are the same height -- check out and you'll see just how different people's bodies can be.

    Also, weight (i.e. the number on the scale) doesn't mean as much as we think it does. I'm always surprised on here by people who say they want to gain muscle but not gain weight -- i.e. that they don't want to have a stronger body if it means the number on the scale will be higher.
  • jmeyer925
    jmeyer925 Posts: 326 Member
    I see everyone's point of view! I definitely don't see it as an insult, but still feels like it's minimized by all the work I've done. But as a man, he probably doesn't know much about women's weight haha :laugh:

    Thanks for all the stories and input! Makes me feel better! :flowerforyou:
  • SeaChele77
    SeaChele77 Posts: 1,103 Member
    If they guess me *more* than I am I'll admit I may get upset. If they guess under - I'm happy. If they guess *way* under then I think their just being nice or too chicken to say what they really think.
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    Both. It's nice that some people think I look lighter than I am, but It would be nicer if I were actually that weight. A friend was helping me shop for a belt and handed one to me. I laughed and told her that it won't fit because it's a 32. She gave me kind of a blank look, as if to say, "So?" I had to inform her that I wear, in fact, a 38. She didn't believe me so I had to demonstrate to her that the 32 was simply too small.

    I have this longish torso that hides my weight fairly well (at this size). So I'm happy that she thought I was a 32, but sad that I'm still a 38.
  • ThePhoenixRose
    ThePhoenixRose Posts: 1,978 Member
    Being 5'10, people consistently think I'm 20-30 lbs lighter than I am. It's a compliment. Get over it.


    I'm 6ft. i so get that!
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    Why would someone be estimating your weight? It's like questions relating to age. After a certain point, you just don't do it.
  • _the_feniks_
    _the_feniks_ Posts: 3,412 Member
    Couldn't care less. Unless I'm at a fair. Then I'm happy when they're wrong because I get free ish I can give to the kids.
  • michelleindeed
    michelleindeed Posts: 117 Member
    Yeah, I get the "no way you weigh that much!" from people because I'm 5'11". I'm okay with them thinking I weigh less than I am. :)
  • HELL NO!

    It means I win a stuffed animal :bigsmile:
