To go back to Weight Watchers or not???

I am trying to decide to go back to Weight Watchers....for my 8th time. I did real well 6 years ago losing 40 pounds on the old points system, but fell off the wagon and gained my weight back. I have been back several times since and got discouraged fast. I could never really get my head wrapped around the new points plus system, but in saying that, I am not sure was my heart really in it either. I am thinking about joining again and give it all I got, but I was wondering if anyone on here has had success with it. I do better when someone holds me accountable. Any advice? Should I not waste the money?


  • Mrbusterb
    I did Weight Watchers and lost 131lbs. Due to personal problems in my life i gained it all back.It's a good program but in order for it to work you must stick with it like any other program.Go for it and good luck to you
  • kimberliiw
    kimberliiw Posts: 242 Member
    I just dropped WW and returned here two weeks ago. I had only lost 2.8 lbs in three months. I'm not blaming WW though. I just find points to be abstract whereas calories are an absolute and I found myself working the system to get the most calories for the fewest points. So far MFP is working, 2 lbs the first week and anticipating a loss when I WI Saturday.
  • kathendo1984
    i recently quit ww's, i lost 7 lbs in around 2 months but then it just stopped and i couldnt loose, i did mfp last year and lost 22lbs and kept it all off so decided to join here again to loose the last 20lbs. i find counting calories much easier personally as you can just read off the packet or scan it in if you have the phone app where as with ww's i was struggling to point things up. xx
  • zaithyr
    zaithyr Posts: 482 Member
    I would think calorie counting would be more sustainable long term than WW because it's easier to read the back of the label and get the whole picture of what you are actually eating rather than pay for a system that just throws a point value on it. I didn't do WW because I couldn't afford the monthly payment and I was afraid that once I stopped doing it and didn't have the point calculator I'd be lost and gain weight because I didn't know much about what I'm eating. Kind of like doing diet shake programs- you drink your 2 shakes a day and eat a regular meal and you lose weight, but once you try to do it on your own and eat regular meals you gain weight.
  • robertf57
    robertf57 Posts: 560 Member
    Not really a fan of the current point system. It is easy to just count calories or if you are low carbing it, carbohydrates. Can you find enough support here? or with friends?
  • skcornett
    skcornett Posts: 169 Member
    I have had more success through MFP than I have with other programs. I enjoyed WW, but I find this way of doing things to be easier to understand. With WW, I wasn't really learning the importance of what made up those points. In the long run, though, whatever program you choose needs to be something you can turn into a lifestyle. Otherwise, you aren't as likely to follow through.
  • Bizeebec150
    If you had success with it before and you like the variety of food options via the point system, I say go ahead. It worked for me early on but as I have lost weight I need something more regimented when I hit plateaus
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    I've done weight watchers, and had success with it.

    I've been more successful at MFP though, and it's free. Not logging calories for fruits and veggies just doesn't work for me.
  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
    MFP is just a tool for tracking. That's something you can hold on to for life. I hear a lot of people that stop doing the WW method gain the weight back. I think MFP helps make you more conscious of what you eat and how much and helps you have a bigger variety of what you like.
  • itsuki
    itsuki Posts: 520 Member
    I hope this doesn't come across as rude, because that's not my intent!

    If you've tried it 7 times and it hasn't worked, what are the odds it will work the 8th time? I think maybe you need a different program.
  • Laoch_Cailin
    Laoch_Cailin Posts: 414 Member
    I understand the whole 'needing someone to keep an eye on you thing'. I felt like that when I joined ww. I found it a great system, but use every pp available to you. Don't use under what points they give you and use all the extra ones for exercise and everything. Otherwise you will be hungry and you'll be way undereating.

    I lost all my weight there and used mfp then to maintain. Had a little holiday there so now i've 6lb to lose again lol.

    Good luck and friend me if you like

    Laura x
  • KristyGirl8
    KristyGirl8 Posts: 20 Member
    Watching what you eat should have NOTHING to do with arbitrary "points." Weight Watchers teaches you some really good habits, and at first it's fun to play the "points" game, but in the long run, don't you want to be in control of watching what you eat? I tried Weight Watchers once, and it worked pretty well, but I think making a life long change involves being responsible for what you eat, having a real network of friends who support you.... not paying for a service every month. You're just throwing your money out the window. Use that extra money to buy yourself something extravagant and healthy to add to your pantry- dragon fruit, hazelnuts, quinoa, an expensive grass fed organic yogurt! Or take that money and try a zumba or yoga class. Take that extra money, and invest it in your body, rather than lining the pocket's of Weight Watchers CEO. How much money are they paying Jessica Simpson to lose her baby weight, and where does that money come from??? It comes from Weight Watchers members! Use your money for your SELF. If you want the support group, check and see if they have a healthful eating group in your area. Best of luck to you! I know you can do it!!!! xoxoxo- Kristy
  • garner55janie
    Oh my gosh, Ray, I feel we might be twins. I have gone to WW many times and lost a sizable amount of pounds; until last fall. The leader was great, but too cheery for me ( I'm really not a stick in the mud; sometines I jst need someone to sit down with me for more than 5 minutes and answer questions fo me). Yes, I fell off the WW boat again, Lost 10 pounds (I need to lose at least 100, but am trying not to look at the big picture yet). Just like you said, that point system was just not computing; afte all, I'm 61 and you cann't teach an old dogs new tricks, right? Well, I'm not that bad, but I do hate change. I talked to my cousin in Texas who turned me onto this site so this is my first try at it, but I like what I've seen so far. You certainlly have to do what works for you, dear. Janie55garner
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    I'm finding it true that MFP (the winners here) teach a new lifestyle. I've also discovered losing fat for good is about building my body into a well, fueled machine that will no longer find it necessary to store fat.

    I don't know of anyone that has lost weight fast and not gained it back. It takes work and I no longer believe any of the lies that come with all the fad diets out there. Take a look at my food diary. I eat like a horse and don't gain any weight. I have lost 12 lbs though. And you can see muscles poppin out of this 59 year old body.

    Keep reading and look for the winners to follow. Many are in a group called Eat More to Weigh Less. Also check out this link:

    Most of us arrive here on MFP thinking all I have to do is eat less and I will lose weight. Yes, you can do that, but do you want to be healthy and have permanent weight-loss or do you want to stay on that yoyo thing. I hope you go for the perm. I hope you kick butt and join the rest of us butt-kickers:)

    Friend me if you like and I will encourage you and help all I can:flowerforyou: :drinker: :drinker: denise
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    By using mfp and building a brilliant friends list on here, I have an amazing support group and a powerful weightloss programme all here... For free.
  • fitwithin
    fitwithin Posts: 210 Member
    I am a lifetime WW member and it has worked for me in the past, but the last time I did it, I ended up gaining weight. I joined MFP and like counting calories rather than points. When they let you have unlimited fruits and vegetables, that didn't work for me. I started cutting down significantly on carbs and fruits during the week and the weight started coming off.
  • Springfield_Rocks
    I just dropped WW and returned here two weeks ago. I had only lost 2.8 lbs in three months. I'm not blaming WW though. I just find points to be abstract whereas calories are an absolute and I found myself working the system to get the most calories for the fewest points. So far MFP is working, 2 lbs the first week and anticipating a loss when I WI Saturday.


    save your bucks! stay here. WW is a rip off and i speak from experience. I have learned WAY MORE about nutrition on here than I ever did at WW.
  • Stefanie99
    I've done Weight Watchers twice. The first time was with the old Points system. I lost less than 20 pounds throughout the whole course, when I had over 100 to lose. The second time was with the new PointsPlus system, and after not losing anything in three weeks, I got really discouraged and gave up.

    Both times I received the program free through work, but even not having to pay for it, still didn't make it work for me.
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    I'm finding it true that MFP (the winners here) teach a new lifestyle. I've also discovered losing fat for good is about building my body into a well, fueled machine that will no longer find it necessary to store fat.

    I don't know of anyone that has lost weight fast and not gained it back. It takes work and I no longer believe any of the lies that come with all the fad diets out there. Take a look at my food diary. I eat like a horse and don't gain any weight. I have lost 12 lbs though. And you can see muscles poppin out of this 59 year old body.

    Keep reading and look for the winners to follow. Many are in a group called Eat More to Weigh Less. Also check out this link:

    Most of us arrive here on MFP thinking all I have to do is eat less and I will lose weight. Yes, you can do that, but do you want to be healthy and have permanent weight-loss or do you want to stay on that yoyo thing. I hope you go for the perm. I hope you kick butt and join the rest of us butt-kickers:)

    Friend me if you like and I will encourage you and help all I can:flowerforyou: :drinker: :drinker: denise

    Really agree with this. I ldid lose about 45 lbs with weight watchers and kept it off 10 years (until I started having babies). However, I always found the weigh in humiliating, the meetings painfully boring, and the price ridiculous. I am doing better with In Place of a Road Map and MFP than I ever did with weight watchers.
  • Tanimom
    Tanimom Posts: 29 Member
    I can't count the number of times I went back to WW. But I consider it the healthiest program/support system available. When I finally went back the last time 7 years ago, it was with the attitude that (1) every previous attempt taught me something, (2) there was no failure, only process (a stumble is just a stumble - it's the long haul that matters) , (4) I will be satisfied with slow, steady progress, and (3) this has to be what I can live with for life. I've lost 70# over that period. This site gives me the added support and motivation I need and I get to share it with my daughters!