Newbie looking for awesome friends and support

Hi Everyone!!!!

im a newbie here and am looking for some awesome friends to suport me so i can also support you along this hard but so worth it journey...

a little about a single mum of two fabulous girls who are 8 and 4...

the past two years ive managed to loose 121lbs pretty much by myself by changing my lifestyle and going to the gym...

BUT I NEED HELP!!!!!!!!!!! ive been at a plateu for the longest going up and down but im ready to be done and get to my goal weight of 165lbs...

i would love to some supportive friends to learn new things from and i would love to help anyone starting out on this journey as well...

wish i had found My Fitness Pal along time ago...maybe i wouldnt be in this funk if i did...

have a wonderful day everyone... :)


  • AtlantaWriter
    AtlantaWriter Posts: 91 Member
    Good luck to you, Stacey! I"m in awe of you that you've lost over 100 pounds already! That's terrific! Keep up the good work. You can do it!
  • pettyms
    pettyms Posts: 24 Member
    Wow, your progress already is phenomenal! You're such an inspiration, good luck with your goal!
  • jenndear09
    jenndear09 Posts: 5 Member
    Great job doing it on your own. I am a newbie also on here just started this past Monday!