Treats- Do we or don't we?



  • aftergypsies
    aftergypsies Posts: 248 Member
    As long as it fits into my daily calories, I will eat it. I just ate a regular sized bag of M&Ms. No regrets. I don't see anything wrong with eating what you want now and then.
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    I eat whatever I want, as long as it fits in my calorie goals.

    I try to make as many "healthy" choices as I can, but I'm not going to live my life being obsessed with clean eating. This isn't a diet - it's a lifestyle, and realistically, there will always be chocolate, cake, dinners at nice restaurants, homemade meals at the inlaw's house, etc.

    You have to be flexible enough to handle those things.

    ^^^^^This exactly! I have pumpkin bread in the oven as we speak! Yummy!

    OMG! Pumpkin bread!!!!! The weather here is ALMOST to where it should be for me make to make some. I put three types of nuts, dates and cranberries in mine and only half the sugar than the recipe calls for. I don't like it super sweet. So good!
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I have treats, but I fit them into my calories for the day. If I cut them out, yes, I'd probably be cutting out a bunch of calories, but I also wouldn't be providing my body with the fuel it needs.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I eat whatever I want, as long as it fits in my calorie goals.

    I try to make as many "healthy" choices as I can, but I'm not going to live my life being obsessed with clean eating. This isn't a diet - it's a lifestyle, and realistically, there will always be chocolate, cake, dinners at nice restaurants, homemade meals at the inlaw's house, etc.

    You have to be flexible enough to handle those things.

    ^^^^^This exactly! I have pumpkin bread in the oven as we speak! Yummy!

    Please send me some!!! I'll have room for it in my calories tomorrow :laugh:
  • Ivana331
    When I first started I was always craving cookies and chocolate, so I went out and bought those 100 calorie packs of cookies, I had one almost every day, but included it into my calories. Now, I have learned to enjoy healthy foods. So my "treat" snacks are things like baked tortilla chips with 2tbsps of guacamole or creamy spinach dip, a cup of yogurt, a cup of dark chocolate almond milk...those things are all delicious, and taste like treats to me, but they are healthy. Now that i think about it, I haven't really craved chocolate for a few weeks! :) But to answer your question, I think it's fine to indulge your craving, but to do so wisely and not OVER indugle. :) I always gave in/give in ot my cravings and I hardly have them anymore, and I am still losing wieght steadily, now. :)
  • Ivana331
    Omg this is one of the hardest things in the world for me! I always told myself "Ok, NO treats", cause I thought that maybe cutting them out completely would help me maybe get rid of (or at least drastically lessen) my sugar/carb cravings... if you're able to keep up with that, go for it, it may help... personally for me, it doesn't. When I need my sweets, I NEED my sweets.

    Lately I've really been exercising my strength and will power by having my treats when I feel I need/strongly want it, but literally one tablespoon at a time.

    If I have ice cream in the freezer (and I always do - BEN AND JERRYS, WOO!!!), I'll treat myself to ONE tablespoon and savor every split second of it! If I feel I need more, I try my very best to wait 10 minutes (this is very hard when all you can think about is sugar lol), and if I still want it, I'll have it. One more tablespoon. I'll kinda do this throughout the day if it's one of those days where I need a lot lol That way, one tablespoon at a time will wind up being just one serving of 1/2c, but it'll feel like I've had more.

    My favorite treat is flan... I'm ADDICTED. There's a lady down the way from my place that sells it and she stops by every week to sell me one... I can't say no. For one, it's her livelihood (I'm too sweet hearted - most times lol), and for two, it's the BEST FLAN EVER! So I freeze it and when I feel the craving come on, I'll thaw it and have one tablespoon at a time, several times throughout the day, that way I'm only having ONE serving but in multiple sessions lol It's a good trick, I think.

    Anyways, that's what I do. It helps me.

    ALSO... eat LOTS OF PROTEIN!! I usually NEVER eat breakfast, but lately I've been forcing myself to -I'll eat one or two hard boiled eggs with an apple and 1/8c of nuts. Works great for keeping me full and not shaking for sugar lol

    Hope this helps.

    Love and Alohas,
    Ihilani Kapuniai
    I think that is really smart!! And I second the protein, I have more protein rich food and I feel fuller and more satisfied by the end of the day so I don't want to keep snacking after dinner.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    I've also been doing this long enough that my tastes have changed, so I consider an extra sweet pepper or a cheese stick to be just as much of a treat as a cupcake or whatever; if you're not quite to that point yet, then you probably need a little more structure.

    I'm not there, and I hope to never get there:laugh: Not a cupcake fan, but a sweet pepper wil never taste the same as a piece of chocolate or a handfull of chips....
    I lost 60lbs while eating "treats" (real ones!:wink: ) and kept it off for 4 years doing the same....
  • Khymera
    I can't do without treats, so I just plan for them.

    So maybe if I'm going to the mall, I'll skip my lunchtime yogurt so I can have a bubble tea. Or I'll eat a Lean Cuisine and a pile of steamed veggies for dinner so that I can have a cupcake (did you know you could buy individual cupcakes at Target?). Or I'll recognize that today, I can't fool myself into believing that yogurt or fresh fruit is the same as dessert, so I'll find something that isn't that bad (2 Fig Newtons and a glass of unsweetened almond milk is only 240 calories).
  • ruststar
    ruststar Posts: 489 Member
    Dreyers slow-churned ice cream makes it possible to have ice cream every day and still lose - only 100 calories a serving, low in fat. Sometimes I don't have any, but I like knowing that I could, if I wanted, because it fits in my calorie goals.
  • justgetitdone
    justgetitdone Posts: 8 Member
    I am a cookie lover but don't keep them in the house. If I really want one I find my favorite and enjoy every bite working it into my calories for the day....maybe do a little longer workout! I also like candy and do they same with that.........moderation!
  • MelissaE1214
    MelissaE1214 Posts: 73 Member
    i just eat what i want when i want. I try not to think about restrictions. It makes me feel bad if "i fall off the wagon"
  • ceecee7636
    ceecee7636 Posts: 37 Member
    I have a treat eveyday; Light choc mousse and an aero bubbleball. I can cos I'm not dieting and will "budget" for those calories, but I definitely need to feel like I'm not being denied anything.
  • sneakysneaker
    sneakysneaker Posts: 16 Member
    If I denied myself treats I wouldn't last on MFP for long. I buy a large bar of good dark chocolate (Camino Mint, mmm) and break into the squares, each square is 22 calories. This gives me a little bit of chocolate for a small bit of calories. I also like Diva's Delightful Crisps from Costco, four are 60 calories. They are thin crips cracker/wafer things with nuts, seeds and dried fruit - crunchy and satisfying. For me the important thing is to measure out a serving, put it on a nice little plate (maybe have with a cup of tea) and put the package away. If I ate directly from the package I would eat it all at once.
  • MelisRunning
    MelisRunning Posts: 819 Member
    Hot fudge malt for me tonight!
  • momtokgo
    momtokgo Posts: 446 Member
    I have treats, sometimes every day, sometimes I'll go for a week before having one. Just depends on whats going on. Honeslty though, treats just don't sound so good anymore. I am gluten, dairy and egg free, that takes out most chocolate bars, all cookies/cakes, and of course everything like pudding, icecream, pie....the list goes on. Even the things I can have just haven't seemed very good lately. I usually don't finish what I grab.

    I do have a handful of chips, or a dairy free chocoalte bar, or a jolly rancher once in awhile. Or I'll sneak an organic lollipop from the kids stash.

    As for fitting it into my day, I don't actually log my food anymore so I don't know where they fit in. I just have one if I want one. I'm still losing weight, so I"m not worried about it.