
AnneElise Posts: 4,206 Member
edited September 20 in Recipes
I eat dinner a lot at night by myself due to my husbands work and I think I may try wraps. Any really delicious wraps that people eat? I am sort of picky but I am trying to expand my eating! I usually have 500/600 calories left for dinner. Thanks! :smile:


  • I want to know too. I just started trying wraps.
  • I make wraps with whole wheat tortilla's to start.. i shred a cooked chicken breast into a bowl, diced peppers, green onions, whatever you like, and use sour cream or plain yogurt with a splash of ranch or caesar salad dressing in it for flavor. Mix it all together and fill the wrap... really tasty.
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    I am also a picky eater and those wraps sound dang good. I should try and grill some chicken that sounds good. O now I'm hungry dang. :tongue:
  • omid990
    omid990 Posts: 785 Member
    i like turkey, a little bit of veggie cream cheese, and any veggies i have on hand.

    hummus is good as well.

    also, i like to make tuna or chicken salad with olive oil mayo and add lettuce and tomato.
  • mavsfan2009
    mavsfan2009 Posts: 261 Member
    I like chicken breast, spinach, a salsa, and a sprinkle of cheese
  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member
    These days I make wraps using "flatout" flat bread. They are a little longer oval than just round, and only 90 calories for the light original or light italian ( most other tortillas average 120).

    I not only have them for a cold wrap or hot, but sometimes cook an egg beater egg, lettuce, tomatoes, salsa, fat free cheese, and fat free sour cream.

    I used them for the baked vegetarian chimichanga recipe found on this site (really good recipe). And you can even make a little individual pizza with them.

  • mmm I loves me a good wrap :)
  • kylielouttit
    kylielouttit Posts: 512 Member
    I like the Weight Watchers whole wheat wraps. They taste good and are only 80 calories (I think). I add chicken breast, lettuce, red pepper, tomato, low fat cheese (I can't find fat free here) and a little ranch dressing. Sooo yummy!
  • jlefton1212
    jlefton1212 Posts: 171 Member
    I recommend mixing up the textures in your wrap (I like something creamy with healthy fats like avocado or hummus, and something crunchy like broccoli slaw). Also, Ezekiel spelt wraps are delicious!
  • TByrd1325
    TByrd1325 Posts: 920 Member
    I'm pretty boring with wraps.. usually just chicken and cheese or eggs & canadian bacon in the morning. BUT, I found these pretty tasty wraps called WrapItz. They only have 9 carbs. I think you can only find them on the east coast, and I found them at one Bi-Lo, but not the other.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Here's one even the grand kids LOVE:love: !

    Smoked turkey
    minced onion (they don't know it's in there but they LOVE it!)
    chopped nuts (I use toasted almonds:happy: )
    light mayo
    curry powder
    (almost forgot BABY SPINACH)

    Just use enough light mayo to kinda bind stuff together - less is more! The curry powder is amazing with the smoked turkey and fruit - just add enough to give the mayo a soft yellow color! I've used grapes instead of strawberries, my sister has used blueberries (that had been frozen) and we've both used pine nuts and pecans... so mix it up! And trust me, these grand kids would NEVER eat onion or curry - but it works in this wrap!

    (I like the flatbread too!)
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    I love the flat bread idea. I'm going to have to try some of these. I have some whole wheat toretas (sp) in my freezer so I will have to take them out and do a breakfast tomorrow. Maybe that will fill me up a little bit more.
  • Cassia
    Cassia Posts: 467 Member
    chop up the fixings for your favorite salad into SMALL pieces, then use a little dressing and fill the wrap! It makes a delish meal
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    using lettuce leafs as the wrap is amazing and so low calorie so you can fill your wrap up with so much extra yummy stuff!!

    i got the idea from hungry girl and it tastes awesome and is super easy. and believe it or not, super extra filling.
  • abr25
    abr25 Posts: 179
    Had a super yummy Tofu Salad Wrap today:

    whole wheat flax wrap
    firm tofu chopped into small cubes
    light mayo & little mustard
    little garlic, onion, celery diced
    salt and pepper to taste

    mix together and serve on wrap with lettuce leaves and sliced tomato!
  • fitinyoga14
    fitinyoga14 Posts: 448 Member
    i make wraps all the time. First, i love the Flat Out brand flat bread in multi-grain. They are 100 calories and are very filling. i usually just chop up whatever vegetables i have and throw those on there, and i use avacado or some left over chicken for protein.

    The sauce/dressing can make a healthy wrap go bad! Salsa is the best sauce to use. Its low cal, it has more vegetables, and it adds a lot of flavor!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Similar to lettuce wraps but tougher! Cabbage Wraps! :bigsmile:

    If you take cabbage leaves (I use the fancy wrinkly kind) and plunge them into boiling water for a few seconds, they wilt and become more flexible and easier to wrap - I use these for black bean taco wraps, Laub (can't spell it but its a Hmong dish), and other stuff like the smoked turkey wrap I described earlier! I'll used par-boiled cabbage leaves to make little egg role type packages of low-fat high nutrient foods! Easy to pack for lunch and you can seal them with a toothpick!

    Gosh - I'm remembering all sorts of fun stuff from the last time I was focused on healthy eating! :drinker:

    My Hmong friend used to make these ahead and freeze them, then pack them frozen for lunch in little plastic sandwich bags and let them thaw at room temp. I remember how amazing Laub was cold! - it's a ground beef/cilantro/lemon grass/ground rice/ hot pepper combo that's easy to make and really yummy!
  • I live in Ct and our local grocery (Stop and SHop) carries these wraps made by Tortilla Factory. They have between 12-13 grams of fiber each and they are delicious. I usually find them in the deli department. They do not need to be refridgerated until they are opened. I ALWAYS have these in the fridge they keep forever.

    Then I add any mix of these ingredients and warm it in a skillet with PAM like a quesadilla. don't knock the cream cheese it rocks!

    (cream cheese, mushroom and spinach is like creamy fettucine in a wrap) so good

    1-2 tablespoon of cream cheese (I like weight watchers brand)
    3-4 tablesppon fat free black beans
    salsa (just a little for taste or it gets soggy)
    egg white
    low fat shredded cheese
    MRS. Dash Fiesta flaoving (this stuff also rocks)

    Don't overstuff and heat for a minute on each side.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,206 Member
    Thanks everyone, these are great ideas!
  • OMG!! that sounds soooooooooooooo good!
    I live in Ct and our local grocery (Stop and SHop) carries these wraps made by Tortilla Factory. They have between 12-13 grams of fiber each and they are delicious. I usually find them in the deli department. They do not need to be refridgerated until they are opened. I ALWAYS have these in the fridge they keep forever.

    Then I add any mix of these ingredients and warm it in a skillet with PAM like a quesadilla. don't knock the cream cheese it rocks!

    (cream cheese, mushroom and spinach is like creamy fettucine in a wrap) so good

    1-2 tablespoon of cream cheese (I like weight watchers brand)
    3-4 tablesppon fat free black beans
    salsa (just a little for taste or it gets soggy)
    egg white
    low fat shredded cheese
    MRS. Dash Fiesta flaoving (this stuff also rocks)

    Don't overstuff and heat for a minute on each side.
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