Weighing yourself every day?



  • stargazer008
    I prefer to weigh myself once a week or less often.
  • clowdusc
    I weigh myself everyday but do an average at the end of the week, it keeps me motivated and the average helps me realistically see my weight loss. I don't record my weight daily here, but I do record my weekly average.
  • tabithavockler
    I do sometimes but it makes me really angry when my weight fluctuates! Say if I weighed in today and was more than I was yesterday, does that mean I ate too much yesterday?
  • BrittneyOhhh
    I weigh every day but I'm trying to stop. Woke up feeling skinny this morning and the scale just rained on my parade. Not exactly motivating.

    Days like that have happened to me. Turn that rainy day into motivation!! Look at your body in the mirror and just be proud! It's not always about the numbers on the scale but about how you feel in your skin or how your clothes are fitting! Using the scale it's definitely a mental exercise as well.
  • been285
    been285 Posts: 99 Member
    the only way I can walk past my scale... would be to put it in a room I only visited once a week. it feels like an addiction. bye......
  • BrittneyOhhh
    I do sometimes but it makes me really angry when my weight fluctuates! Say if I weighed in today and was more than I was yesterday, does that mean I ate too much yesterday?

    It could be water weight or sodium. There are a lot of factors. You could be at a plateau. There's a good chance you ate perfectly fine and you'll lose tomorrow or maybe your body just needs to adjust to your current weight to lose more. Your body needs a chance to adjust to it's new weight sometimes to accept it as it's new "natural" weight so that it can lose more down the road. That is why slow weight loss is more long term (in simple terms---as I have been told, at least).
  • flutternfly
    I do but I know I shouldn't. Today I was wishing I didn't! I don't get big losses anymore. I should probably got to once a week but I want that quick motivation I get from a loss.
  • bjjt3
    bjjt3 Posts: 18 Member
    Every single morning..... yes!!

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  • zeebruhgirl
    zeebruhgirl Posts: 493 Member
    No no no.
    Once a week only.
    Helps me see larger differences.
    Mentally .0.2 pounds is worthless to me, but 2 pounds? Eff yeah!
  • Britt59
    I use to weigh everyday but sinse I lost most of my weight I needed too I weigh weekly now, but when a person first starts out I think it will do them more good than any harm to weigh everyday (mornings) it holds you more accountable and focus your mind on more of what & why you get on them scales in the first place, but to me its whatever anyone wants or suites them, weighing daily or weekly, bi weekly or monthly if your loseing weight your getting yourself healthy and thats what were all striving for!
  • heather_huggins
    heather_huggins Posts: 194 Member
    i'm addicted to weighing myself :( i weigh myself in the morning and at night before i go to bed to see how much i fluctuated that day...but there are mornings when i wake up hoping to lose something then don't and i'm disappointed. "/ i want to do it just once a week but i would probably need my fiance to hide the scale so i don't weigh everyday lol. but then i get worried if i don't weigh everyday, that i'll gain. sounds stupid i know haha.
  • ahjenny
    ahjenny Posts: 293 Member
    I like doing it every day. I like seeing the trends and it gives me warnings of things (ahem, female stuff) to come.
  • estepteau
    I stil do...it has taught me what foods make retain water and such. I use it to remind me how fast I could gain weight if I dont stay focused on maintaining weight
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    I do sometimes. But sometimes I am too lazy to do it. It is a good way to stay accountable, as long as you are realistic and expect small fluctuations from day to day!
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    I weigh every morning, after using the bathroom, before breakfast, and in the same spot in the same room. I also log my weight every day, loss or gain. I've learned to pay attention to the long-term as well as the short. I can look back at the graphs and see when I broke through a plateau, or stressed out.
  • econut2000
    econut2000 Posts: 395 Member
    I was a daily weigh-er until I realized it was doing more harm than good. I didn't flip out if the scale went up or anything but just looking back at it now, I was having trouble figuring out a legitimate loss versus dehydration or legitimate weight gain vs water weight. Now, I weigh myself a couple of times a week - although I probably should be down to 1x/week! :laugh:
  • nmdZOOM
    Yup! I weigh myself everyday. Everyone tells me I shouldn't, but I feel that it gives me that extra boost of confidence when I lose weight, and also, if I don't lose weight or gain one day, I push myself even harder the next day!
  • vodkoffee
    vodkoffee Posts: 160 Member
    I weigh every day and keep a moving average, so a tiny gain here and there from water and whatnot does not make a big difference. I find it extremely motivating. Once a week, not so much. If it was a bloated day, it would ruin my whole day. Now I see the larger pattern and little gains here and there don't bother me. :)
  • LyndsMill
    I agree......I definitely don't weigh myself everyday. You're weight fluctuates on a daily basis. It's not accurate. I do once a week.
  • beekuzz
    beekuzz Posts: 428 Member
    I do.