Today is the day!

Hello everyone! I'm new here, I stumbled upon this site while searching for something to help keep track of my progress and keep me motivated, I'm already glad I did!

I'm a 40 year old mother of three ages 17, 11 and 5. I've struggled with my weight my entire life. I did manage to lose 50 lbs about 8 years ago and kept most of it off, even lost the weight again after having my youngest. But lately things have spiraled out of control again. I'm a stress eater...and life's been difficult the past few years. Its time to break my bad habits and get healthy! I feel horrible, everything back, my knees. I just want to feel good! I was going to wait until the first of the year to get started but then I realized that's just more of the same, just another excuse.

I look forward to meeting all of you and getting and hopefully giving lots of support. This is going to be tough, but I can do it!


  • pamh5555
    pamh5555 Posts: 191 Member
    Welcome. best advice i can give is to make sure that you buy a good food scale, measuring cups and spoons. So that you can keep track of your portions. If you actually do this, it will help immensly. Also, the on demand channels have free exercise tv. I love the walking parts because I can not do the high impact yet. I am looking to lose about 85 lbs total. Just a little each day.
  • Snick7227
    Good for you! This site is a great way to help lose weight and control what you eat. I have learned so much from MFP, it's amazing.

    I have lost 29lbs so far and I am even getting my mom and sister to start tracking their food and getting them into wanting to lose weight and being healthy. I am 25 and have always had weight problems as well but now my family is calling me "Ms. Nutrition" LOL.

    Keep up the motivation and don't let stress get you down!!