After the shred?


So, I am finishing level 2 of Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred tomorrow and will be moving on to level 3 after the weekend (yes, I take the weekends off as I am always doing something else active). I really love how it starts my day (I only have to get up 1/2 hour earlier to get in my exercise) and love the results I'm experiencing. I really want to keep the momentum going so I'm asking for suggestions for after I finish level 3. I'm asking now so I can research a bit before I actually purchase something (I've been doing the shred from youtube). There are so many programs that I read about on here (most that I know nothing at all about) that I'm just really not sure what to try next. 6W6P? P90X? Insanity (that just sounds wrong by the way)? TurboFire? Kickbox something or other??? As I've only done JM 30Day shred and am still doing mostly the "beginner" moves, should I just start it over again with heavier weights/more advanced moves/or? I'm also limited on space to do it in case that matters with some of the programs.

What program do you recommend next and why?

