Is Black Coffee An Acquired Taste?



  • cheninaerin
    Its definitely acquired. Worth it though, black coffee is low cal and so much better than any other sugary caffeine source
  • virichi08
    virichi08 Posts: 465 Member
    YUP, TOTALLY AN ACQUIRED TASTE. I started off by reducing the amount of sugar and creamer i put in it...then on day just stopped all together and forced myself to drink it black, it's oky to me now and it only took me a week to be okay with the taste.
  • lamilli09
    lamilli09 Posts: 354 Member
    A couple things that it looks like people might have just touched on but here goes:
    - iced black coffee tastes better (to me) rather hot black coffee BUT coming up with the appropriate ratio for your personal preference is hard/time consuming
    - you can ease yourself into drinking black coffee... it's do-able. but for me, I will always prefer a lightly sweetened coffee with some milk or creamer

    Here is a recipe for cold-brew iced coffee that is a pretty good starting place:

    BUT be warned - my boyfriend brews coffee that a spoon can stand up in (tastes like tar, he makes his coffee about 4x the recommended strength) and that recipe was still too strong for his tastes.
  • Molly_Maguire
    Molly_Maguire Posts: 1,103 Member
    I have a better idea. DON'T DRINK COFFEE. It tastes like absolute *kitten*, dehydrates you, stains your teeth, and gives you horrible breath.There is no nutritional value in it, nothing the body needs, the acids in it will shred your stomach lining and promote heartburn, and the caffeine is addictive and unhealthy for your heart. Plus cutting it out of your diet will save you hundreds of dollars in the long run.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I can't drink American coffee without milk, although I skip the sugar. I could drink an espresso with sugar, no milk as an after-dinner drink or demitasse, but that's very rare. I usually have a latte with milk.

    If it's an acquired taste, I'm never going to acquire it.

    I can drink certain teas black, but I prefer to add sugar, and I much prefer coffee to tea. The caffeine affects me differently.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I have a better idea. DON'T DRINK COFFEE. It tastes like absolute *kitten*, dehydrates you, stains your teeth, and gives you horrible breath.There is no nutritional value in it, nothing the body needs, the acids in it will shred your stomach lining and promote heartburn, and the caffeine is addictive and unhealthy for your heart. ...

    Caffeine, perhaps coffee in particular, I can't recall, has been found to have health benefits in moderate amounts. Among others, it increases brain acuity.
  • lukeevans85
    lukeevans85 Posts: 108 Member
    I have a better idea. DON'T DRINK COFFEE. It tastes like absolute *kitten*, dehydrates you, stains your teeth, and gives you horrible breath.There is no nutritional value in it, nothing the body needs, the acids in it will shred your stomach lining and promote heartburn, and the caffeine is addictive and unhealthy for your heart. Plus cutting it out of your diet will save you hundreds of dollars in the long run.

    While I agree with some of these things...

    I like the taste of coffee (espresso at least). There's no nutritional value to alcohol either but that doesn't mean its not enjoyable.
  • blonde71
    blonde71 Posts: 955 Member
    I used to have to drink my coffee with tons of half and half and sugar. I stopped doing that and started drinking it black and now I love it. I guess it's all what your taste buds are used to.
  • megtastic80
    Definately an acquired taste!

    I started at white and two (and alot of them!)
    then white and one (then the kids got into coffee and a litre of milk I'm sure so not to miss out I had to have the occasional black one)
    now black with cold water instead of milk (and definately love it more than white!)

    But yeah, the brand of coffee makes a big difference.
  • megtastic80
    I have a better idea. DON'T DRINK COFFEE. It tastes like absolute *kitten*, dehydrates you, stains your teeth, and gives you horrible breath.There is no nutritional value in it, nothing the body needs, the acids in it will shred your stomach lining and promote heartburn, and the caffeine is addictive and unhealthy for your heart. ...

    Caffeine, perhaps coffee in particular, I can't recall, has been found to have health benefits in moderate amounts. Among others, it increases brain acuity.

    It also raises your metabolism... Slightly
  • cathooo
    cathooo Posts: 19 Member
    Coffee depends so much on the brewing method! Most work machines are awful. Preground packages of coffee, not the right amount of coffee for the machine, water that doesn't get hot enough (or gets too hot!), uncleaned carafes and thermos, people making coffee on top of YESTERDAY'S coffee (I saw that happen! GROSS) No wonder people put in cream and sugar!

    I love my Aeropress! I get more satisfaction out of a 8oz cup from that than a 20oz gigantic cup of coffee. I couldn't stand the coffee my folks made while I was living with them, until they got a new drip machine (and kept it clean :smile: )
  • chinatbag
    chinatbag Posts: 249 Member
    I have a better idea. DON'T DRINK COFFEE. It tastes like absolute *kitten*, dehydrates you, stains your teeth, and gives you horrible breath.There is no nutritional value in it, nothing the body needs, the acids in it will shred your stomach lining and promote heartburn, and the caffeine is addictive and unhealthy for your heart. Plus cutting it out of your diet will save you hundreds of dollars in the long run.

    Not completely right, also not completely wrong.

    Coffee has pretty good amounts of potassium in it. It's pretty important to muscular function.
  • cbevan1229
    cbevan1229 Posts: 326 Member
    I can drink black coffee, and I like it ok, but I prefer it with some half and half, or whole milk. I used to use sweetener, but started leaving it out a couple of months ago in an effort to reduce my chemical consumption, and I don't miss it at all.
  • willing2try
    willing2try Posts: 23 Member
    I would say "yes". Someone told me in my college days that if I got used to it that way, I would always drink it black. I was 22 then. I'm 65 now. A couple advantages: you really taste the flavor in flavored coffees like hazel nut, pumpkin etc. when you drink them black. And you are the FASTEST in the coffee lines at work, parties, or social events. :wink:
  • RubySinclair
    RubySinclair Posts: 90 Member
    The way I learned to like it black was I got a batch of rotten creamers in college and took a HUGE swig of the coffee I made with them :sick:

    Another thing you might try is a flavored coffee black.... caramel cream or something "sweet" like that (hazelnut and vanilla ones make me gag!)