New Years Eve- Will You Drink?

I am wondering what to do about New Years Eve. Since I started this diet/exercise regime I have not had a single drop of alcohol even on Christmas Day.
However, I am going out on NYE, it is my first night 'out' in a club on this day.
I know it is a time where everyone drinks, so I am wondering whether I should stay totally sober, have one or two, or ...over indulge?

What is everyone else doing?

Happy holidays!!!:drinker:


  • averys7
    averys7 Posts: 60 Member
    That's a tough one...good for you by the way for being so strong. I love to drink and I'm really good at it! If you have the power not to drink and can still have fun then don't. If you can control yourself then have a couple. My problem is always the eating once I've had to many...I let my food guard down and eat like crazy. Then I feel bad about it the next day and eat to cure my hangover. Overall, you make your destiny...
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    I'm not just because we're not really going to a party. We're just going to have a low key night, dinner and a movie and then relax at home and ring in the new year. Plus we're going to Outback Steakhouse and I would rather eat any overindulged calories rather than drink them. But if I were going to a party or a bar I's new years, only happens once a year. Work out that morning, drink plenty of water and enjoy your drinks, then get back on track the next day.
  • Slim34
    Slim34 Posts: 46
    I have recently lost 14 pounds and if I truly wanna keep it off that means no drinking. The mixed drinks that I luv so much has mega sugar. I haven't had a drink in damn 6 weeks today and also no bread. I am maintaining my 144 pounds and loving the new me. Its a major lifestyle change and theres somethings that U r gonna have to give up. Anyway, thats how I personally feel.
  • rosemh83
    If you're not prone to drinking aka this is not something you had to change in your new lifestyle, don't drink. However, for me, I like to drink every once in a while. I do it in moderation! I don't plan on getting crazy drunk and I plan to only have a few---one light beer, one glass of wine/champagne, but staying away from mixed drinks as Slim34 reminds us that those have mega sugar grams.

    I find if I withdrawl something completely from my diet, I want it more!! I'm looking for changes I can keep for a lifetime. I lost 68 lbs in college and I did not miss one single night out during the weekends and I enjoyed my miller lite/glass of wine too.

    My plan for NYE: Workout like crazy the morning of NYE, drink lightly so I dont go crazy at the last minute before the bar closes, stay away from appetizers/finger foods, and then workout tomorrow and go back on my regular course. This plan may work for you, may not. Just be sure to "keep it real" if you know what I mean ;)
  • mavsfan2009
    mavsfan2009 Posts: 261 Member
    I'm having the same issue - I can't really decide what I want to do because I'm trying to stop drinking all together (marathon training). My suggestion would be to have one or two. Enjoy yourself, have a glass of champagne to ring in the new year and have a good time...just don't overdo it. Good luck!
  • karleen
    karleen Posts: 260
    i just spent the holidays eating rather poorly and maintained my weight, i plan on getting back on track for the week but definately drinking thursday. my moms watching my son for new years as a little xmas present to me [im a single mom and rarely go out now obviously!] so yes i'm def drinking. then right back on track the next year!
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    For me, I don't drink much at all. But on New Years I like to enjoy a drink or two. So I plan on working out more than normal New Years eve, drinking a lot of water and just enjoy myself. It's a once a year event, and like all the other major holidays I've been enjoying them and haven't had anything but good results... everyone needs to splurge once in a while, but you just have to know when to get back on track and stick to it. Plan it out ahead of time, your workouts, food, drinks, etc, and see if you're willing to go through with the plan. If it's worth it, do it. You can make up for it beforehand since there's still a few days, and as I said, just make sure to get right back on track once the holiday is over.... that's just my 2 cents. :wink:
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    I have taken on a new role of driving... that way I can't let myself be tempted and everyone has a safe driver!

    If you do drink, I have started doing this: 1 drink, 1 full glass of water, 1 drink, 1 full glass of water ect. It keeps my hydrated (no hang overs) and I drink a whole let less.
  • AlyssasMommy
    I plan on not drinking. I gave myself a splurge day on Thanksgiving and had a really hard time getting back on track ever since. On Christmas day I decided nothing is going to keep me in that unhealthy cycle so I am officially back on the wagon and I plan to stay that way. I guess I am just not one of those people that can splurge responsibly so no drinking for me.