What am I doing wrong?



  • asaffell
    asaffell Posts: 43 Member
    Take pictures and measurements. You won't see those changes in your mirror because you see yourself daily.
  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    Woaaaaahhhh there! Enough with the attitude, i'm just saying what my trainer in the gym told me when I asked the same thing!

    All the new information I've been reading suggest going heavy on the weights. I remember people used to think women should do light so they don't bulk up but I think the newer thought is women won't bulk up without supliments. (hormones and drugs).....but Im just a bozo on the web.
  • Girl_Bomb
    Weight training!!!!!! Maybe some HIIT, straight cardio isn't going to give you the results you want especially if your already slim. I'll do the elliptical but up the level to like 10 and move slow, I feel it in my muscles a lot more, or I'll walk stairs, a lot of stairs (best workout to tone those legs in my opinion) also, to much cardio can start eating at your muscles therefor making it harder to build muscle lol up the protien and hit the weights girl. I lift HEAVY weight and do less reps, I pick the highest weight I can lift for 5 reps and do 3 sets, my strength has increased a lot
  • 1holegrouper
    1holegrouper Posts: 323 Member
    I agree that strength training is what will give you the results you are looking for. You are probably very busy. I know my girls were at your age. You don't have to go to a gym for strength training- all though there's nothing wrong with it.

    I disagree with those that are always de-emphasizing cardio exercise though. They would never make it in the military. I'll just leave that one there- keep that going. Strength training without cardio is mainly cosmetic. Strength training with cardio training allows us to be fit and ready to tackle all of life's physical challenges. With adding strength training you will want to take a second look at your diet to make sure you are packing in enough nutrition and calories in that order of priority. Are you taking a multivitamin? Are you drinking enough water before, during and in between workouts? When you do this right you will find that you have even more energy than you do now and any additional time you are adding to your schedule for fitness training will be compensated by the extra energy you have and can give to the rest of your schedule.

    Correct me if I'm wrong but where was this thread about doing cardio to join the military?! Lol. The op wants to 'tone up' not improve fitness to pass military entrance tests.

    LOL, my point that apparently was not clear was that most of us want to have a well rounded level of fitness. Not just toned and muscled but also to be able to go up a flight of stairs, etc. without losing our breath. With my relatives in the military I am able to see that this is their approach as well.
  • runningfromzombies
    Lift heavy. Waiting on knee reconstruction surgery is going to make that hard (you probably can't do squats, deadlifts, lunges...), but you can focus on the upper body for now (push-ups, rows, lat pulldowns). Building muscle will give you the toned body you want, but you can't be afraid to pick up very heavy things. ;)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Also "lifting heavy" doesn't mean "lifting something so heavy that you're going to hurt yourself."

    Heavy is relative. It should be an amount that's challenging, yet you can complete your reps with good form. If it's not the least big challenging, it's too light. If you can't do it with good form, it's too heavy. If you're doing it right, you won't hurt yourself.
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    I too vote for lifting heavy, I am new to lifting and by no means up to really heavy weights. I also do cardio i run and I am training for my first marathon. I feel i can do both I run 3-4 days a week and lift 3 days a week sometimes i will lift and run on the same day. Since i have added in the lifting I have lost very little weight but even i (my husband says i have body dysmorphia) can see a huge difference in my body. My abs are shaping up nicely, this is amazing as I have had 3 kids one weighed 9lb7 and the other 2 are twins weighing in at 14lb4 combined weight. I am also 41 years old if I can shape up anyone can. You need to give lifting a go it has worked womders for me.
  • onesongaboutagirl
    Oh my gosh, so many replies! Thank you so much for wanting to help me everyone, I really appreciate it :)

    It seems that the consensus is to start doing weight training! My younger brother is fairly experienced in this area and has been trying to get me to do some for a while, so I will ask him to help me.

    It seems like I may also benefit from posting weekly photos. If I remember, I'll try to start doing that too!

    Thanks again everyone, it's so lovely to find such a supportive site :)

    Good luck to you all with your fitness goals!