Stomach Issue

Wasnt really sure where to post this....but does anyone suffer from stomach issues: ie- IBS, UC or Crohns?! I havent actually been diagnosed yet but UC runs in both sides of my family and im pretty sure im not far from a diagnosis and there are days where eating is so unbelievably difficult and getting all the right foods just is not possible. Anyone else deal with this or have any advise, food ideas for me? I mean, dont get me wrong- i usually eat things i definitely should not, i did not get this way munching carrots and celery but sometimes the healthy fiber rich foods are the worst!

Any input would be appreciated!!! :)

First weigh in tomorrow! Yipes!


  • bopanee
    bopanee Posts: 43 Member
    I've got IBS and I'm being worked up for Celiac Disease. Tummy issues suck, especially when no one can figure out what is going on with you and you're miserable. Have you talked to a GI doc?
  • Had an endoscopy done a while back came back with some bizarre results, stomach not digesting food properly....but then got sick of test after test after test and gave up. Was scheduled for a colonoscopy back in January but the Monday before had an emergency appendectomy...havent rescheduled it yet though :( Partially afraid of the results and the prep....i know i should though. Its just sometimes tough getting all the nutrients and foods in that i need, there are days where i just cant eat...
  • bopanee
    bopanee Posts: 43 Member
    I know how you feel! I've been run through the testing gammet for my stomach and they're still working me up. I'm beginning to think they feel I'm just crazy, especially after the IBS diagnosis got slapped on me. It's not a clinical diagnosis as much as a name for a syndrome of symptoms that no one can quite figure out why you're having them. It's a gut that reacts to stress and is just plain *****y. :/ I just had a colonoscopy a couple of months ago and the prep sucks (don't make any plans to do anything but sit on the toilet the day before! LOL), but I'm glad I did it. I had precancerous polyps and the doc said if I'd waited until I was 50 like recommended, it would have been too late for me most likely. Joyful, joyful, I get to do this every 5 years now because of my results, but it really isn't that bad and being afraid of what you'll learn isn't going to keep you from having the results, it will just delay treatment. Go for the colonoscopy! I'm on Jenny Craig right now and I am hoping that the reduced food and fat intake will help, but my next step is reducing my gluten intake. i've been reading Wheat Belly and it is a very interesting read. Even if you don't have Celiac Disease, wheat can cause tummy issues. You might want to look into reading it. I'm assuming they've tested your gall bladder, too? I'm a Nurse Practitioner, so I start asking all of the diagnostic work up stuff. LOL
  • bopanee
    bopanee Posts: 43 Member
    Have you considered adding a supplemental shake, like Boost or Special K Protein Shakes, to your diet if you're having appetite issues? They're loaded with vitamins and nutrients and it's better than nothing if you're having issues keeping your nutritional status up to par.
  • Oh yes, gallbladder was removed about 8 years ago! Thats also another fun factor in the whole stomach issue!! No, i really do need to get some supplement shakes, that is a most wonderful idea!
    It just sucks, i see what my mom is going through and it is just terrible, all the meds she is on all the testing she is going through and it is just awful. I have no medical background, but i did work in a medical office for 5 years, so i know a few things to look for and ask about, but when it comes to myself...i just am not as go-getting as i should be. :(
  • shannajojo
    shannajojo Posts: 192 Member
    I'm currently having stomach issues. Bad abdominal pain, cramps, and gurgling. I'm scared I might have someting serious. I had a UA done yesterday and I have extra WBC's. Going for a GI consult on Monday.
  • OK_Girl
    OK_Girl Posts: 123 Member
    I have IBS. Bad. I control it with diet. When I can't eat, I take ensure shakes. I love SOLUBLE fiber- but too much INSOLUBLE fiber makes me miserable. Like, emergency room miserable. Metamucil helps. Eating apples every day helps. Things that make me worse are nuts, seeds (esp berry seeds and sesame seeds) too much white flour, and sugar, and MEAT.