Back Again

My son gave me the biggest loser WII game so I'm going to use this sight to track the calories. Last time I was on here I weighed 188.5 now 202 this time last year 170. Been a BAD year! Lots of stress at hone and at work. It's time to take time for ME!


  • vanillagirl18
    I got the biggest loser too for the wii! How are you going to track the exercise on here?
  • prairiemom
    prairiemom Posts: 391 Member
    I put it under circuit training!
  • Boston85
    That sounds good!! I need to find that game! How does it work?
  • prairiemom
    prairiemom Posts: 391 Member
    The game is a workout, so far it's been all circuit training. So far it's a hard workout, but I haven't worked out for a long time. It also gives you a calorie goal for each day and allows you to enter your calories eaten. There a part with recipes and tips. It has challenges and weigh-in as well.