wii fit.....accurate????



  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,269 Member
    That is a great idea.... I have always just let the wii be off and always telling me "I have gained a little" :angry:
    Yeah, it still doesn't work out perfectly, probably because of the carpet, but the numbers are MUCH closer to what I see on my bathroom scale since I've been doing it that way. It makes me feel a bit better, because I really don't like seeing my Mii get all suddenly chubby as the thing slides up the scale. lol
  • skinnynerd
    I weigh myself daily on my bathroom scale, so when I use my Wii Fit, I weigh myself in whatever clothes I'm wearing at the time... Then when I go get on the Wii Fit, I use the custom weight adjustment on the right side of the screen and subtract the number of pounds difference I am now from my morning weight. So say I weighed 141 that morning, but when I'm going to do my Wii Fit & weighed myself in my clothes, I weighed 146. I would adjust the weight for my clothes to be 5 lbs. I've found that this actually makes the Wii weight fluctuations bother me a whole lot less. And I use mine on carpet too, using the leg extenders.

    5lbs of clothing? That seems a bit excessive.
    No, my clothes don't weigh 5 lbs, but if I know my morning naked weight was 141 & in the evening, when I go to do something with my Wii Fit, if I get on the same scale (in my clothes) that I weighed 141 that same morning, yes it's the clothes, any undigested food, water, whatever from throughout the day that are making it say 146. 146-141= 5. So I subtract 5, that way both the Wii Fit and my bathroom scale are reflecting roughly the same numbers. Everyone is entitled to do it how they please, but this works for me. I weigh daily just to keep an eye on the fluctuations. The only weight I generally record on MFP is my Saturday morning weekly weigh in. I just don't like to see the Wii Fit numbers jumping all over the place because I may be wearing heavier clothing or have had a heavy meal or drank a lot of water. So, again, yes, I will subtract 5 lbs, because I know that's what *I* weighed without clothing/food/water/waste that morning.