A NEW ME - 2010 Weight Loss Challenge!

oEmmao Posts: 466 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
hi MFP-ers!

welcome to the new challenge to get to our goals in 2010! :drinker:

it is easier to achieve something when you know that you have friends and support to help you :flowerforyou:

whether you have 100+ pounds to lose or are struggling with those last stubborn five pounds, we all have something valuable to offer!

we will share tips, stories, websites, ideas or recipies to help us to get to a healthy BMI and generally happy place in relation to our health and weight

everyone is welcome to join the group

weigh in days will be THURSDAY, we want to start the last day of 2009 as we mean to go on in 2010, so if everyone could post your start weight on thursday that would be great

this challenge will continue throughout 2010 so we need lots of people to offer different opinions and advice (and please remember that nobody here knows better than a health care professional and if you are unsure about anything consult a professional asap)

so, lets get started people!

lots of love,

Emma :bigsmile:


  • Great idea!! :happy:

    Count me in!!
  • cassandra1220
    cassandra1220 Posts: 284 Member
    Im in!!!!!!
  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member
    Sure, I'd love to have a group to share with while i work towards my short & long term goals this spring.
    I look forward to getting to know all of you better.
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    oops i got confused then lol, thought this was the challenge for the 'a new me' group lol :tongue:
  • Count me in! I just joined MFP and I think this will really keep me motivated throughout the year. Best of luck to everyone!
  • I have 10lbs to go... yay. its not much but man is it hard to lose! took me a year to get the 50lb from pregnancy off.

    cw- 114.8
    gw- 105.0

  • Count me in!
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    Their is another group called "a new me"...hope this doesn't confuse anyone.
  • oEmmao
    oEmmao Posts: 466 Member
    welcome everyone to the challenge! :flowerforyou:

    my name is Emma and so far ive lost 54 pounds, gained a little over the holidays! :blushing:

    i have become a healthier person since April 2007, but still have a daily battle with my cravings :indifferent:

    im 27, started full time college in september, am married and i live in ireland

    if you would like to know more just ask

    weigh-ins are on thursdays! :drinker:

    how are you all? xxx
  • oEmmao
    oEmmao Posts: 466 Member
    Their is another group called "a new me"...hope this doesn't confuse anyone.

    oops, sorry to confuse anyone, i didnt know that

    i set up a 1st January group and now that is nearly upon us, i wanted to set up a new group :blushing:
  • swimsea
    swimsea Posts: 1 Member
    Sounds great!
  • perktms
    perktms Posts: 47 Member
    I'm excited guys! Looking forward to the challenges and support.
  • I would love to join also. Is there going to be a new thread every wk? R you sticking to the A New Me-2010 challenge? I'm full of questions apparently...lol.
  • lfischer
    lfischer Posts: 17 Member
    Count me in too!

    Mamakatspokane - I live in Spokane too :)

    I've got 15-20 to lose...I will reassess how I feel at 15 to see if I want to push for the 20 or if I am comfortable. Currently I am in an intensive one year Masters in Teaching program...which means I am taking night classes (some weekends), in addition to student teaching. This equals STRESS! So I've gained almost 10 pounds since starting the program in June due to stress eating, eating at odd hours...forgetting food and having to grab fast food an lack of time for the gym.

    Goals: hit the gym in the mornings rather than after school....something always gets in the way
    eat my targeted 1400-1600 cal/day
    cut my drinking down ;)

    I'm also giving myself a "treat" every 5 pounds down....at 5 I get a pedicure, 10 not sure and 15 a new purse :)

    I'm also a fan of daily meal/exercise posting. This has worked for me in the past....anyone else care to join me in doing this...it would look pretty boring with just me posting these everyday ;) haha
  • oEmmao
    oEmmao Posts: 466 Member
    welcome to the challenge guys! :bigsmile:

    we will keep going with this thread every week and one of us will come up with a new challenge every week, i will do the first one and then the first one to volunteer gets to think of the next challenge, if nobody volunteers, then i will do it

    lets get motivated everyone :love:
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    I"m in, I want to lose 20-25 pounds!
  • Im in! I want to lose around 45 lbs.
  • Buckychick4ever
    Buckychick4ever Posts: 21 Member
    I'm game! Looking forward to witnessing each and every success each of us has no matter how big or small!! Bring it on 2010!!!
  • stacesand
    stacesand Posts: 63 Member
    I really need to a kick in the butt! I've been on again off again for some time and have gained (i haven't officially checked) everything I have lost in the past and then a little. I'll hopefully be able to join a gym soon and work on everything a little at time so it'll stick!
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member

    i have been on some other challenges but I get bored fast. However, i lost ten lbs with the red high heel challenge and have kept it off. I am struggling with the last ten. But more importantly my goals are (and are similar to another member):

    "hit the gym in the mornings rather than after school....something always gets in the way
    eat my targeted 1400-1600 cal/day
    cut my drinking down ;) "

    I don't go to the gym, but I do work out at home, and I am way too busy to work out after school...I get burnt out too quickly by trying to take on too much. But, I think I can manage it in the mornings. I would really like to stick with my dvd's or at least take a walk/jog in the morning to get some fresh air. I often coop myself up inside so I think that would be good.

    Also I would love to mantain my cals. My maintenance calories are 1800, so my goal is to stick to that, and hopefully go under for my weight loss goals.

    See you guys on Thursday!
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