I have really fallen off the wagon now



  • chanixxx
    I don't know how to stop! The last few days I just can't seem to stop eating crappy food. I have gotten some veggies and such in there as well but I can't stop with the sweets!

    I made some homemade brownies for my husband, who has only ever had the boxed kind, and now I find myself stuffing them into my face.

    UGH. How do you get and stay motivated!?!

    I stay motivated by getting rid of clothes as soon as they get loose, and by remembering why I want to be healthier. I "fall off the wagon" sometimes, but the wagon doesn't get too far away that I can't run and jump back on! Don't beat yourself up, enjoy the moment and make the next one better for you! ((hugs))
  • xTenaciousJx
    skinnytaste.com is an amazing website that cuts most sweets in half for calories of regular food. i LOVEEE baking esp fall/winter....but I'll be baking healthy. better for me and my family.

    you can so do this, just have to keep going.

  • melsmith612
    melsmith612 Posts: 727 Member
    I took a 2 month long break from dieting - trying to still eat healthy but allowing myself indulgences - after losing 60 lbs because I was so BORED with my food choices. When I went back to tracking what I ate, I came here and have been losing since (a couple weeks now). While I was "off the reservation", I gained back less than 5 lbs and I got the junk food cravings out of my system so that I'm back in control of my eating. Sometimes it pays to step back a little.
  • PaveGurl
    PaveGurl Posts: 244 Member
    The only thing that works for me is remembering that my body treats sugar like it would treat drugs - it's addictive. Once I start eating crap (which often has a bunch of sugar added in various forms), I know I won't be able to stop, becuse my body will crave it that much harder.

    I have to think of myself as an addict, sugar is my drug, and the only way off it is by going cold turkey.
  • vettle
    vettle Posts: 621 Member
    Stop buying the crap - that's the only way! get it out of the house! Sometimes our reasoning isn't enough.
  • corrinnebrown
    corrinnebrown Posts: 345 Member
    How do you feel?

    When I eat crap I FEEL crappy. If you feel crappy your mind will soon tell you to eat healthy again.

    It happens sometimes, we get that way. Good luck to you!
  • julimonster
    julimonster Posts: 243 Member
    Get your trigger foods out of the house if possible - I make cupcakes once in a while but they are stored in a clear plastic container out of eyesight until the family eats them!
  • ritoosh
    ritoosh Posts: 190
    Build into your plan a treat day or a treat a day ... and don't feel guilty about it

    just remember to have it in moderation tho. like one or two pieces not the whole batch! :D
  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    think of it like an addiction. If someone you cared about told you they couldn't stop using drugs and fell off the wagon for a few days, what would you tell them, then do that thing or take your own advice. Also keep in mind during certain times of the month the body craves different things like salt or sugar so find healthier substitues. I find if I don't keep it in the house I can't eat it, I also find that if I have to have a sweet that's not on the menu, sugar free pop sicles or pudding or just some fruit can be a great alternative my salt go to is popcorn.
  • Mollie007
    I have been sober for over 29 years.

    :smile: I'm very happy for you!
  • Merc71
    Merc71 Posts: 412 Member
    I bring my lunch to the computer, and log in. I put up a "BEFORE" picture of myself while I eat. That usually does the trick.
  • Mollie007
    Dont bake it if you cant handle it. I cant bake or I eat it all no matter how hard i try not to. even frozen solid if I want it its MINE!!! LOL!

    Sorry, but he will have to suffer. Now go exercise if off and drink a ton of water ! ;)

    This is exactly me, too. Tell your husband no more brownies for him!
  • iAMaPhoenix
    iAMaPhoenix Posts: 1,038 Member
    Falling off the wagon is OK...Staying off is unacceptable.
  • aerynholly
    aerynholly Posts: 22 Member
    I fell off the wagon earlier this week - I'm still working on holding back when I feel stressed or anxious. But I decided not to beat myself up and just get back on the horse. And surprisingly, I feel great about it - I may not lose anything this week, but I'm proud of myself for not letting failure defeat me. Hope this helps!
  • Mollie007
    My roommate drags home all sorts of crap; McD's, pizza, chips/salsa/cheese, mt. dew, plain bagged candy, and purposely shoves it under my nose.

    Wow! Your roomate sounds like a b!*ch!
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
  • judybegood
    judybegood Posts: 18 Member
    We all have a moments I just read something about how it's not the worst thing in the world to fall of the wagon. You can still get back on it didn't leave you you just fell off. So get back on the wagon Girl! Everyday is a new day. Be strong.

    Another thought so you ate the brownie you can redeem yourself through exercise. How many calories do you need to burn to erase the junk stuff?

    As they say it a numbers game and after you pay back with exercise you can decide was the junk food really worth it?

  • drhilton
    I want to start by saying pizza and chocolate are food groups and I dont care what anyone says! I started at 185 and my goal was 165. I passed that goal and now my plan is to stay within the wieght range of 155-160. With that said this is just as much psychological as it is physical. More than anything YOUR plan has to be sustainable or you'll fail every time and just get frustrated with yourself. Don't let food or "food groups" get the better of you. I have a rule of not eating past 7:00pm, but if I have a craving then I go have a piece of chocolate or spoonfull of peanut butter :). When I deny myself the food thats when I want it the most! When I gave in then I would find myself binging. Simply satisfy the craving and move on then it won't have control over you. You now have control over it by not binging, but rather satisfying the craving. Have fun with this experience and don't let it make you feel like a failure, the payoff it is absolutely worth it. I don't have any more "wagons" in my life! Did you see my profile picture? I have enough challenges! Wish you all the best
  • jamers3111
    jamers3111 Posts: 495 Member
    Stop making brownies ;) I know you want to make your hubby happy but you need to put yourself first. Just remember how GREAT you feel after a day of eating better and working out... and compare that to how you feel now. Put on your sneakers and just head out the door. You can do this!! You deserve it!!
  • trishtrish1
    trishtrish1 Posts: 71 Member
    1000 isn't enough - wow - ins't that the truth!? Thanks for your post - it meant a lot to me!!