I eat because im bored



  • CandiceJohnson86
    First, I am a BIG offender of this. Ialso sit at a desk all day, then somewhat veg out on the couch after getting the kids ready for bed. And when I am bored I pick, or nibble on things. I agree with the majority of the others , working out a little or alot, or just moving around, or eating healthy things may be away to get out of this habit. Lately I've been nibbling on carrots at my desk. Good luck
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    Write a list of alternatives. It takes time to change habits. But when eating when bored is not an option other habit jump on in.
    This list may seem strange to some, but take what you like and start your own.
    Walking the dog is obvious, to make it more fun bring an ipod of great tunes, or a step counter to challange yourself.
    Comfort yourself with selfcare instead of food. Give yourself a manicure/pedicure, new hair color
    Read the bible, I love figuring out the Proverbs of Solomon. They are timeless. Or poetry, or something that makes the brain work.
    Re-organize a room. This may only appeal to me. But I love listening to a audio book and puttering.
    There is crafting, my choice would be making photobooks.
    I have a wii fit to make video games more active.

    Once establish new habits, eating will not come to mind unless you are truely hungry. (It takes at least a month of persistance, so don't expect to change over night)
  • eyouse
    eyouse Posts: 26 Member

    Someone told me to write down in my food journal why I am eating every time I eat something. So, I put a notepad on my kitchen table and one in my purse and started doing so religiously. I was completely blown away at how frequently I found myself standing in front of an open refrigerator door wondering how I could justify eating something in my notebook and then closing the fridge when no good reasons came to mind. At first, it happened at least 10 times a day! I was blown away at how often I don't have any reason to eat but felt the need to do so out of boredom/for a sense of reward/to treat myself. I recommend this--- even for little snacks. If you can't justify why you are eating and what you are eating---- you probably shouldn't be eating it. Even if you are an excellent logger of this information though, it is still a HUGE struggle to change your habits. I have been trying the writing trick for about a month and I still find myself at the fridge thinking, "Hmm, that would be really really delicious about now, and I could simply write it off as giving myself a little treat" but then sadly realizing that patterns like this are why I want to lose weight in the first place! Haha. I recommend trying it out!
  • L12taylor
    Iv started eating celery, in tiny pieces, podded peas, and cherry tomatoes...hardly any calories so the grazing is not such a big issue.
    I know i should just break the habit, but it is hard!!